Monday, October 28, 2024

Easy Walk Poetic Bloomings

 It’s So Easy


It’s so easy

to walk around the house,

gathering the trash

in one big bag,

setting down the bag,

replacing all of the little bags,

slipping on my slip-on shoes,

putting on my jacket,

grabbing the big bag,

going out the back door,

feeling the sun on my face,

walking up the drive,

unlocking the gate,

flinging the bag in the can,

saying hi to the barking neighbor’s dog,

locking the gate,

walking back down the driveway,

feeling the sun on my shoulders,

walking around the back yard,

checking on the autumn condition

of my bushes and flowers,

entering the house,

wiping off and stepping out of my shoes,

and taking off my jacket,

that I wonder why I procrastinate,

and even pause to write a poem about it?

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Morning quiet time

 Praise Worthy


P raise worthy, that’s what You are.

R ighteous, good, Holy, perfect, joyful

A lmighty, omniscient and omnipresent

I nspiring, intimate, beautiful, creative

S acrificial, loving, forgiving Father

E ternal, gracious and merciful guide


W orthy of our complete devotion

O pens and closes doors, in control

R ich, giving, the way, the truth and the life

T eacher, discipler, healer, my song and peace

H elper, hope, strength, sanity, our purpose in being.

Y ou are worthy to be praised every minute of the day.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Ekphrastic Blue Grotto


The Blue Grotto in Capri Italy 


Narrow cave opening

Lie down in small wooden boat

Boat man pulls us through on a chain

Open eyes, sit up.

Beautiful blue cave lit up

Boat men singing

Worth the waiting three hours

bobbing in a motor boat?

Yes, I think so.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Cozy Poetic Asides

 Coziness and Curiosity


A red, cozy, country cottage,

a foreground of green grass

between it and the road.

Behind it a tall forest

gradually rising to a steep hill.


And though that scene

contains mountains

of childhood memories,

I couldn’t tell you

what lies beyond that hill.


And I wonder if the coziness

outweighed my curiosity.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Poetic Bloomings Old

 Old Stomping Grounds

Ten days ago, we visited
the place where we grew up
in Western Pennsylvania.
The house is no longer there.
My youngest sister, now owner,
had it demolished years ago,
when bad renters destroyed it.

Now, from California,
she has a local man mow it every summer.
The three acres now look like a park.
Charlie, the huge oak tree, still stands.
The towering pines that line,
where once was the driveway,
had grown up as tall as Charlie.

I remember when my parents
were taller than the pines.
When I think of the country place
where we grew up,
their hard work, their love
in caring for their five daughters,
to me, they’re still taller than the pines.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Ekphrastic from trip picture Youngstown, Ohio

 Two Ducks in Gold


In the Mill Creek Park in Youngstown, Ohio,

the pale golden leaves reflect in the water.

Two ducks on a log primp and preen,

their reflections mimicking them.

Mr. and Mrs. Mallard

taking their morning bath,

unaware they make a beautiful picture.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Ekphrastic from trip photo

Shannon Girl Number One


I lean forward on the back of her chair.

The old lady, with white shoulder-length hair,

snuggled in her mother’s day blanket, smiles.

My oldest sister.

I say, “Goodbye, see you next time.”

But like the picture in “Back to the Future,”

she seems to be disappearing

before my eyes.