Monday, April 30, 2018

PAD 10 deal

The Lord said,
“I’ll take your sins, cares and burdens
and give you eternal life
if you follow me.”
I said, “Deal!”

Sunday, April 29, 2018

PAD 10 deal

Happy Birthday, Eli

Thirty-four years ago today
I made a deal with a chubby-faced baby,
To love him no matter what.
Still keeping my end of the bargain.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

PAD 10 deal


There are such things as odd jobs
Then there are jobs that are odd,
Peculiar situations.
My deal’s the latter.

Friday, April 27, 2018

PAD 9 Battle

Battle of the Morning

When I wake up in the morning
the battle begins between my ears.
My lazy self fights with my busy self.
I deserve to sleep a little longer, but
there are things to do, places to go,
people to see, projects to catch up on.
But they can wait a while, can’t they?
We’re human beings not doings after all.
Eventually the busy self wins but then
the lazy self starts in about a long nap.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

PAD 9 Battle, Dizain

Battlefield of Gettysburg

We walked across what once was field of blood,
But now transformed to lovely park-like place.
Where men lay scattered dying in the mud
And sorrow passed on every tortured face.
They died to save a nation from disgrace.
The grassy field now serves to teach and warn,
Where bravery reigned and legends were born.
Their shouts and groans echo down through the years.
The loss of life this nation still may mourn.
Now we remember only ghosts of tears.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

PAD 9 Battles diminishing verse


Many battles come from fright
It’s hard to tell who is right

Sometimes causes are like twins
It’s not so important who wins

The question is, “What’s at stake?”
What from the loser will the winner take?

Where have both sides agreed?
Understand, it’s not always greed.

But both sides cling to what is dear.
It’s important to give ear.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

PAD 8 family

with forms of dysfunction
know how to forge
through their fears and fiascos
to function with faults and failures
long enough to have a future.

Monday, April 23, 2018

PAD 8 family

The Beginning

I love the picture
of Mom and Dad,
newly married,
standing in a barren field
which is now grown into a forest.

He freshly out of WWII
wears a leather jacket
and cuffed pants of the forties.

She wears a knee-length coat
just short enough
to show off those legs
that once won a contest
in high school.

They both look so happy
arms around each other,
on the threshold
of having five daughters,
many grandchildren,
and greats thereafter.

The field
wasn’t the only thing
that flourished.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

PAD 8 family


F riends or enemies
A mple time to get to know each other
M ay as well be friends
I nterdependent
L ots of love and laughter
Y et some tears. Family puts up with each other.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

PAD 7 senses


The smell of lilacs
reminds me of the ones
in Pappap’s yard

When we ran
barefoot all summer
through PA trees and hills

Waded in the cold creek
Cartwheeled in Pappap’s yard
Ate watermelon and spit seeds

Pretended we were characters
In old TV shows: Batman
Gilligan’s Island, Man from Uncle

Walked on stilts
Played croquet
Rolled around in tractor tires

It’s no wonder
When I smell lilacs
I want to run, jump and play

Friday, April 20, 2018

PAD 7 senses, descort

Descort Poem

The Descort Poem
is like a song
a little bit off key.
 It jingle, jangles back and forth

At times smooth
At times choppy

It’s not the poem
this poet.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

PAD 7 senses, Decima

Scottish Highland Scene

White cottage rests in earthtone grass
Alone except for company
Of a large bush about as big
Together sit at mountain base
With last snow on its side like lace
In foreground runs a little stream
The ice in it appears agleam
Background reveals a faded ridge
On it the snow lies, just a smidge
The little sky shows shade of cream 

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

PAD 6 food

Uncle Jim’s Spaghetti

Uncle Jim, a big, burly truck driver
loved to cook, especially spaghetti.
He’d rent out the town fire hall,
invite the abundance of relatives
and we cousins would spend the day
chasing each other around the hall,
eating spaghetti and being warned
off the fire truck and ambulance.
Everyone agreed that no one made
spaghetti as good as Uncle Jim’s.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

PAD 6 food, Cywydd Llosgyrnog

Turmeric on Rice

My mom put turmeric on rice.
Bright yellow made the dish look nice.
I had to look twice at school,
At lunch, when rice looked pale and white
Like someone had died in the night.
Pale rice wasn’t right or cool.

Monday, April 16, 2018

PAD 6 food, Cyrch A Chwta

M & M’s with Peanuts

M & M’s are my delight.
Ones with peanuts are just right.
Come in colors, soft or bright.
In a bowl, they do invite.
Love them all, from the first bite.
Taste buds, M & M’s excite.
Wonderful to the last crumb.
Wish that they would come in lite.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

PAD 5 intelligence, Curtal Sonnet

Smart People

It takes lots more than being smart to thrive.
Smart people can do stupid things at times.
“Common sense is not so common.” –Voltaire.
It takes a little wisdom to survive.
And even eating the proper enzymes.
Critical thinkers may take better care
than people with higher intelligence.
But studies show they both commit less crimes.
Smart folks can do stupid things unaware.
They often perform acts that make no sense.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

PAD 5 intelligence

My Son

His vocabulary zoomed past his mom’s.
He figures out his math in his head.
He comes up with new inventions.
He learned Hindi from movies.
Thinks about time travel
and quantum physics.
It frustrates me
he works for

Friday, April 13, 2018

Contrapuntal (combine two poems)

Warm smiles, helping hands
“Tell me more about yourself”
Friendly Scottish folks


Above cliffs
Seabirds fly
Into mist

Gray castle
Clouds hover
Loch mirrors

Snug inlet
Old boats bob
Hotels serve



Above cliffs
Seabirds fly
Into mist

Gray castle
Clouds hover
Loch mirrors

Snug inlet
Old boats bob
Hotels serve

Friendly folks
Helping hands
Warm greetings

Thursday, April 12, 2018

PAD 4 case , concrete

         o      o
I can’t wait till May
when                   I
pack                  my
suit                  case
And  fly  to  Ireland.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

PAD 4 Case blank, Gnomes Pantoum

Case of Being Sedentary

And pump my arms, till lithe and lean.

And sprint the pathway of the park?
No, now it’s good if we just walk.
And swing and sway and dance till dark?
No, we just watch TV and talk.

No, now it’s good if we just walk.
We plan to do more, maybe soon.
No, we just watch TV and talk.

We plan to do more, maybe soon.
When things slow down and we’ve more time.
Perhaps we’ll get out after noon.
But now I’m finishing this rhyme.

I’d like to bounce on trampoline
And run a marathon or two
And pump my arms, till lithe and lean.
Well now, at least, my poem is through.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

PAD 4 Case blank, Gnomes Street last extreme mind fantasy nocturne pressure

Case of Missing You

Walking down first street
after the stores and offices closed.
Feeling like I’ve fallen in a fantasy
where everyone disappeared.
Remembering, the last time you were here.
We watched a movie, the third of the series.
I’ve never watched the second yet.
It was extreme weather that evening.
We crunched through snow and cold wind.
to get to the theatre.
A nocturne now passes through my mind.
The mystical theme song.
No pressure.
But I haven’t seen you for a while.

Monday, April 9, 2018

PAD 3 Stop Gnomes Vilanelle

Don’t Stop

Don’t stop doing the good that you do.
The Golden Rule is the better way.
Just keep it up the whole way through.

To build a better world, kindness is the glue.
Lend a helping hand every day.
Don’t stop doing the good that you do.

You’ll see from a brighter point of view.
When you get tired, remember to pray.
Just keep it up the whole way through.

Reach out to ones who are feeling blue.
Think of encouraging words to say.
Don’t stop doing the good that you do.

Flowers are nice, a small gift, too.
Sincere compliments go a long way.
Just keep it up the whole way through.

Let your blessing be many, your sorrows few.
What goes around comes around, they say.
Don’t stop doing the good that you do.
Just keep it up the whole way through.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

PAD 3 stop Clogyrnach

Who Knew?

Once Mom started, she couldn’t stop.
Who knew she’d love the bunny hop?
She danced through the night.
Well, into daylight.
Quite a sight.
Just ask Pop.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

PAD 3 Stop


S top the stinkin’ thinkin’.
T oday, do a u-turn.
O pen your mind to the good that you do and go through the day with a smile. Cease
P ounding on yourself with words. Yield your criticism with a prayer of thanksgiving.

Friday, April 6, 2018

PAD 2 Portrait

Elbows rest on chair arms
Gray curls, honest eyes, content smile
Miss her

Thursday, April 5, 2018

PAD 2 portrait, Gnomes Clarihew

His name is Ducky.
Smart and plucky.
But seniors keep squawkin’
“Illya Kuriakin!”

Wednesday, April 4, 2018


Thank You, Lord

For the sun and wind, water and bread
Thank You, Lord, giver of all good things
For laughter and sunshine and the deep blue sea
Thank You, Lord, giver of all good things.
For forests and valleys and mountain spring flowers
Thank You, Lord, giver of all good things
For rain and buttercups and mud puddles to splash in
Thank You, Lord, giver of all good things.
For favorite foods and warm, cozy homes
Thank You, Lord, giver of all good things
For our friends and family and encouraging words
Thank You, Lord, giver of all good things
For answering prayer and knowing our hair count
Thank You, Lord, giver of all good things

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

PAD 1 Secret

Darla’s Secret

I was twelve, my cousin eight
when we were playing
on Pappap’s porch.

I’d swing her off.
She’d get back up
and we’d do it again.

But one time
she landed wrong
and hurt her arm.

I was afraid
I’d get in trouble.
I told her not to tell anyone.

As far as I know, she never did.
Darla, you can tell now.                 

Monday, April 2, 2018

PAD 1 secret, Gnomes monorhyme

Your Secret

This is your secret, I won’t tell.
I tell you clearly as a bell.
I will not spread it on my cell.
I am where secrets stop to dwell.
Your secrets, I won’t share or sell.
They’re safe with me, yes, all is well.
Oh, I slipped up, now, please don’t yell!

Sunday, April 1, 2018

PAD 1 Secret

Hidden Secret

Hidden secrets
In poetry, throughout time.
Dangerous or epic
Daring or forthright or
End of each line  
Now, look to find the secret.