Wednesday, April 11, 2018

PAD 4 Case blank, Gnomes Pantoum

Case of Being Sedentary

And pump my arms, till lithe and lean.

And sprint the pathway of the park?
No, now it’s good if we just walk.
And swing and sway and dance till dark?
No, we just watch TV and talk.

No, now it’s good if we just walk.
We plan to do more, maybe soon.
No, we just watch TV and talk.

We plan to do more, maybe soon.
When things slow down and we’ve more time.
Perhaps we’ll get out after noon.
But now I’m finishing this rhyme.

I’d like to bounce on trampoline
And run a marathon or two
And pump my arms, till lithe and lean.
Well now, at least, my poem is through.

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