Connie Stuckman
C hrist Jesus, please bless Connie Stuckman
O pen doors for her that no man can open
N ow, close the ones that need to be closed
N urture her by Your grace and Holy Spirit
I ntervene in all that she goes through each day
E nvelop her in Your loving kindness, always
S pirit move on her as she reaches out to others.
T each her Your ways. Grant her wisdom and
U nderstanding. Do a good work in and through her.
C ontinue to create in her a heart that seeks after You.
K eep her in Your loving protection and healing power.
M ay her days be sweet and full of joy and peace.
A lways, let her feel Your presence and hear Your voice. May
N ew adventures and opportunities be given to her.
In Jesus’ name, Amen!