To Be a Writer
So, you want to be a writer?
You’re waiting for the muse.
The inspiration.
The eureka.
The zone.
The flow.
Good luck with that.
Connie Peters' poems in progress
To Be a Writer
So, you want to be a writer?
You’re waiting for the muse.
The inspiration.
The eureka.
The zone.
The flow.
Good luck with that.
L uck lets me down.
U ndestanding and wisdom from the
C reator will guide me and
K eep my steps on a sure path.
With a Coin Toss
If you don’t know
what to choose,
this or that
one way or the other,
flip a coin.
Your feelings about
the heads or tails
will help you decide.
I always do a happy dance
When a trip is in the works.
Longing to go wandering
Is one of my quirks.
There is no need to rush,
I just got back from one.
But I’d feel more inspired,
Getting ready to have fun.
Maybe it’s like a carrot
Dangling before the donkey’s nose,
Something to motivate
As my “been there” list grows.
Lately, I’ve been feeling
A bit under the weather.
I’m sure some plane tickets
Would help me feel better.
She had two thumbs up and a
big smile.
I knew she was feeling
She wore a daisy for added
She had two thumbs up and
a big smile.
I hadn’t seen her that
happy in a while.
Even her hair looked
She had two thumbs up and
a big smile.
I knew she was feeling
Somewhere in the Middle
It would be good to feel better or worse,
But lately I just feel blah, not good, not bad.
Somehow, I’ve gotten knocked off course.
It would be good to feel better or worse.
I feel like I’ve fallen from my horse
But emotions are never ironclad.
It would be good to feel better or worse,
But lately I just feel blah, not good, not bad.
L osing my way. I’ve done it so
O ften. Going this way and that.
S et off in the wrong direction.
T urned around, adrift, wandering.