Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Dec 31 CB color


Martin talked Abigail into going Salmon fishing with him
Abigail thought of Martin as a melon head
but Martin considered Abigail a peach.

Pine trees around the dam tapered up like green carrots
Boulders on the beach like brown pumpkins
And pebbles scattered along the water’s edge, kumquats

Martin forgot to take the picnic lunch he promised
A kindly couple in a row boat offered them tangerines
And another fisherman gave them papayas and oranges

Martin kissed Abigail and her cheeks blushed persimmon
They caught nothing, but fiery love as the horizon turned vermillion.

Dec 30

Rejoicing in Weakness

In man dwells no good thing
Any good that crops up
Comes from God

So  I should be glad for my selfishness
For when I think of someone else
I know it’s God

And I should be thankful for my narcissism
Because when I give God praise
I know His Spirit is moving me

And when I’m full of self reproach
God is present when I encourage myself
When I am weak, He is strong

With air all around me, if I hold my breath,
I’ll die. God is everywhere,
I need to be open to His Spirit to live.

Dec 29

Color Drive

We packed a lunch that day
And piled into the van
To see the leaves, our plan
Gold, orange, red array
The mountains on display
Enjoy them while we can

We reached the lake up top
We took the beauty in
But cold cut to the skin
So we lopped short our stop
The picnic was a flop
The drive was still a win

And so we had our fill
And went back down the hill

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Poetic Asides pickup

Pick Up

Scattered laundry on a floor
Fast food on the run
Trash along the road
Colorful sticks just for fun

Items on a shopping list
Easter eggs hidden in grass
A package at UPS
Something new in class

Dry cleaning, dear
A hitchhiker begging for a lift
A penny for good luck
An extra shift

A possible date full of charms
A toddler with outstretched arms

Saturday, December 27, 2014


God is Love

G od, yes the creator of the universe
O pened Himself up to
D eath on the cross in

I ntercession for all
S inners, offering forgiveness,

L ove, grace and mercy for
O  ne and all. Love produces
V ictory over sin and death.
E ternal life is in the offering. 

Friday, December 26, 2014


This is a mixed up and messed up world
with hundreds of religions telling it like they see it.
When all else fails, love God and others.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

poetic asides excitement


A hundred race cars revving
up their engines in my heart.
A thousand little artists
painting images in my mind.
Five hundred horsemen
trotting though my veins.
Joy, hope, anticipation
twirling around like ballerinas.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

PA Gogyohka

The Gogyohka

Writing a gogyohka
Sounds like a monster
Beware the gogyohka’s
going to get you.
Just a five-phrase poem.

Monday, December 22, 2014

PA Gogyohka


The splendid sight
Caused her to quiver
In joy and anticipation
Stacks of gifts
AKA books

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Poetic Bloomings It's a Wonderful Poem

If I disappeared
you’d be able to find me
by following the trail
of unfinished projects. 

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Posetic Asides prompt


Not the building
A group of people
Housing the Invisible
Joy, peace, love
Anticipating Home

Friday, December 19, 2014

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Poetic Asides High

Post-Bucket List

I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.” I John 5:13 

It’s fun to come up with a bucket list,
those things you’d like to do
before you kick the bucket.

But my list is rather long,
and I think about those post-bucket days
in heaven.

What will it be like?
What will we do?
We have forever!

So here is my post bucket list:
Climb to the highest spot in heaven,
whether it’s the original Mount Everest or not.

Learn to ice skate
and dance like an Olympian
to music I’ve composed myself.

Speaking of musical instruments,
I want to learn them all!
Since we have eternity, I may as well.

And writing! After I finish
all the books I started.
I’ll write some more.

Won’t it be fun to write the tales
of Peter, Paul and Mary
(not the singing group) but maybe them, too.

Painting! Talk about living color!
I’ll experiment with all the old colors
and the new ones, as well.

And travel? Just think how big heaven is.
I’d like to explore its dimensions,
via sail boat, hot air balloon, and bike.

Is snow warm and, perhaps, colorful?
Imagine down-hill skiing
with no fear of broken bones!

Think of meeting those from history,
famous people and ancestors,
hearing their stories,

I look forward to meeting Uncle Bill,
my dad’s dear brother
who died in WWII.

And of course, dance with Jesus,
along with children skipping along
among the flowers and singing praises.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Creative Bloomings triolet

The Way, the Truth, the Life

O, wisdom weep at this sad earth
Until creation’s birthed anew
God’s promises hold endless worth
O, wisdom weep at this sad earth
Your hope is in the Christ child’s birth
The babe embodies all that’s true
O, wisdom weep at this sad earth
Until creation’s birthed anew 

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Creative Bloomings Christmas song line

O, Come All Ye Faithful

A Christmas song
Sung once a year.
The words become
So very dear,

That once a year
Is not enough
To adore the Lord
For His great love.

O, Come let us adore Him,
Christ the Lord!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

PA prompt


F irmly planted
O rganized in a logical way
U sing underpining to avoid pining over what you can’t have
N urtured in a strong groundwork
D eliberate in your basis of living
A lways establishing what’s good and right
T aking steps to build a strong base
I nstituting solid principles
O utreaching in charity and compassion
N ever neglect a solid foundation

Friday, December 12, 2014

Creative Bloomings Terzanelle

Shannon Creek Park

There was a park called Shannon Creek
A sheltered place within the shade
There was a park called Shannon Creek

The memories have come to fade
Those times when I was just a kid
A sheltered place within the shade

I think of all the things we did
We swam and fished and played all day
Those times when I was just a kid

With country music on display
And horseshoes ringing in the air
We swam and fished and played all day

Small children swinging, with no care
The hot dogs sizzling on the grill
And horseshoes ringing in the air

Of fun and food we had our fill
There was a park called Shannon Creek
The hot dogs sizzling on the grill
There was a park called Shannon Creek

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Poetic Asides false


The little boy not knowing truth from lies
and wonders why
his dad can’t see him anymore.
He waits for him to walk through the door.

As he grows up with bitterness and disillusionment
will he realize
it’s because of that time
when Mom took him to that man with a white jacket
and he told the man stories.

He said, “Yes, Daddy did that.”

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

A CB prompt

Staying Active

I don’t like sitting like a rock.
I want to be up and active like a jock.
Kayaking, swimming, biking
Gardening, rafting, hiking
Traveling, chatting, reading
Crocheting, writing, eating
Okay, I guess I like sitting, too.
But I want to be up and moving when I’m through.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Creative Bloomings song title

To Stay

I dated my first serious boyfriend
for four years. Actually I dated him
one year, and for the next three years,
we tried to break up, but we kept
getting back together, while
“Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover”
played in the background. Eventually,
we grew apart. He wound up in my wedding,
 but not as the groom. For the next
thirty-five years I must have thought of
more than fifty ways to leave my lover,
but there’s only one way to stay
and that’s to stay. 

Monday, December 8, 2014

Creative Bloomings senryu

Sometimes a poem hides
Until the poet threatens
To take his toys and go home.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Saturday, December 6, 2014


To Do or Write

If we did nothing but write,
before long, we’d have nothing to write about.
If we never wrote,
our learning
our memories 
our appreciation
would suffer.
Let’s do both,
write something worth reading
and do something worth writing
so we may thrive.

Friday, December 5, 2014

extra fairy poem

Lily, Tilly, Milly, Spark and Lark

Mama Fairy came into the play room holding Lark the baby fairy.
Time to get ready for bed.
Put away your toys, Snack, drink, brush teeth. Baths. Potty,
Lily, Tilly and Milly set about doing all their mama said.
But Lark had just a few more things to do.
He had to call his friends Doodles and Noodles.
He had to feed his pet caterpillar.
And he just had to finish playing with his fire truck,
After all his action figure was about to burn to death.

Lily, Tilly and Milly were all cozy in their rooms.
But Mama had to help Spark
Put away his toys. Get him a snack and a drink.
Brush is teeth. Take a bath.
Spark sat up in bed, I have go to the bathroom.
Mama quietly led him to the bathroom.
Spark saw soap sitting at the sink.
Would it float.
Spark are you playing in the water
No just conducting an experiment.
Get to bed!

Spark lay in bed. Looking at the ceiling.
What was that noise something tapping on the window.
Mom there’s a troll trying to get in.
Mama came in
No just a branch in the wind.

Spark lay there a little while
Mama Larks making noise.
Mama came back in.
Lark will be quiet if you be quiet.
She patted the baby’s bottom
And soon Lark was quite.

Spark lay there a little longer.
He jumped out of bed
And ran to Mom who was reading a book.
I forgot to feed Peppers
No you didn’t go back to bed.

Mom looked like she was having too much fun.
Spark went out again.
Will you read me a story.
No, but I will read in your doorway.

Mama dragged her door to the doorway and began reading.
Spark came to the door and asked for another drink.
Mama pointed back to the bed.

Spark came to the door rubbing his belly.
I think I’m getting sick.
Mama pointed back to the bed.

Spark began to get out of bed
But he forgot why.
He had lots of thoughts running through his head.
Why was it that he needed to get out of bed.
He tried to think
But soon he fell asleep.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Poetic Asides difficulties

If I Had My Druthers

Lots of good things
come from difficulties:
Character growth
Problem-solving skills
New beginnings.
Even so,
I’druther not have them.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Creative Bloomings vers beaucoup

Christmas Lights in the Morning

The light is a sight and I might
fight to sit a bit
fit in the chair to stare
where the tree I can see in peace.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Creative Bloomings Helping Hand

Clarence and Marie

“Tell me what you’ll need,
and I’ll show you how to do without it,”
said the kind old man
who lived across the road.

But he and his wife did a lot for us
(a young couple and a baby)
living far away from home,
our friends and relatives.

They became our second parents,
inviting us over for holidays,
running  us to Bible Studies,
offering us help and encouragement.

We lost each other over the years,
but we’ll always be grateful for them.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Creative Bloomings fire in my soul


The fire, more extensive
than the universe,
fits quite snugly in my soul,
longing to be released
in speech, deeds and poetry
to set the world ablaze.