Partnership Prayer
Sometimes when I feel sluggish,
it feels like I’ve always been this
and always will be.
Thank You, that’s not true.
Thank you for energy, motivation
and for when I can think clearly.
Lord, I want to partner with You.
I want to write what’s on Your heart
with words that will glorify Your
Help me be sensitive to Your Voice.
Please forgive me for all the times
I tarnish Your name with my words.
I get nervous about spending my
I’m so afraid I’ll waste it.
Lord, help me rest in You and be
for time to spend in prayer and
Bible Study.
If I don’t get anything else done
I know I chose the best part.
I give You this time back
and trust that You will let Your
and hope flood my soul
and that things will work out
much better today
than if I hadn’t spent time with
So today, I eagerly look forward
to what You will work out for my
because I love You
and am called to Your purpose.
Please carry out Your purpose in me,
my family, my town, state, country,