Monday, December 31, 2018

PAD Challenge 16-3 brave


B old and daring
R eady for a challenge
A nticipating adventure
V ictory calls
E ndless tenacity 

Sunday, December 30, 2018

PAD Challenge 16-2 brave

A Prayer for Boldness

make me
bold and brave.
I need courage,
confidence and pluck.
I lack self-assurance,
assertiveness and daring.
At times, I do feel courageous,
but there are other times, not so much.
My sense of adventure is like hunger.
I long to be an intrepid skier,
a mountain climber or explorer.
A trail blazer through wild country.
I crave some adrenaline.
I want to be gutsy.
A fearless fighter.
I will settle
for a bit
of faith,

Saturday, December 29, 2018

PAD Challenge 16-1 Brave

Fear Itself

Eager writers
I’m called on to teach them
So I speak

In Alaska
Ride a train or zipline?
I zipline

A contest
For a trip to Israel
Fill out form

River rafting
Easy, middle or rough

Snowy mountains
Brother-in-law’s wedding
Chain up tires

Sometimes I’m brave,   
because I’m too afraid   
not to be.                        

Friday, December 28, 2018

PAD Challenge 15-3 ant blank


A dmitting, I’m a bit unsociable,
N ot your outgoing sort.
T ruthfully, in social skills
I have fallen short.
S hyness has been my enemy,
O verall, I’d say.
C all me withdrawn,
I know no other way.
A lmost unfriendly, but that’s not quite true.
L oving others, honestly, is what I aim to do.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

PAD Challenge 15-2 anti blank


When the disciples stood with Jesus,
it must have been a great surprise
to watch the Lord defy gravity
right before their very eyes.

It seems funny for two angels to ask
“Why do you stand there gazing?”
I wonder, Who wouldn’t gawk
since the sight was so amazing?

Once the angels got their attention,
they immediately went on to say
(for the modern readers’ benefit)
Jesus would return in the same way.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

PAD Challenge 15-1 anti-blank


Sweaters, slippers, space heater
Close the windows and doors
Anything that’s a cold cheater
Light the fire for s’mores

Better yet, let’s move to Phoenix
Even though it’s not as scenic
You can tell he’s getting old
Since he’s become anticold

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

PAD Challenge 14-3 hunger

On Eating Inedible Food

When I was little, I remember
my cousin complaining
about her casserole.
“Eat it,” her mom said.
“There are people starving in Africa.”
“Ship it over!”
my cousin said defiantly.

When my husband
insists on eating everything,
whether he likes it or not,
whether he’s stuffing himself or not,
whether it might be going bad or not,
I say, “Throw it away!
It won’t save anyone in Africa.”

Maybe eating less and giving the food
we would have eaten to a food bank
would help us be more grateful,
like my aunt was trying to teach my cousin.
Maybe fixing smaller portions would free
my husband, who had a depression-era mom,
to not feel guilty for throwing food away.

Monday, December 24, 2018

PAD Challenge 14-2 hunger

One by One

So few in the U. S.
know what hunger is.
To go to  bed with a growling belly.
To have food to be the domineering thought.
To feel so helpless against it.
There are so many hungry.

Asleep, I often try to wake myself up
for one reason or the other.
It’s so difficult.
I feel like I’m asleep to World Hunger,
trying to wake myself up,
trying to do more to end it.

The problem is so big.
But one by one,
we need to wake up
and help them, somehow,
one by one.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

PAD Challenge 14-1 hungering


H ungry for hope, joy and love
U nderstanding and wisdom
N urturing by Your Holy Spirit
G race and mercy. Hungry for 
E nergy-providing spiritual sustenance
R ighteousness and peace only You can give.
I  need to hear and live by Your Word. I
N eed to learn to be obedient and full of faith.
G od, I am hungry for You. 

Saturday, December 22, 2018

PAD Challenge 13-3 quiet/loud

Quiet Retirement

Just my husband and me now
No electronic noisy toys
No various nonverbal sounds
It’s different without our duo

We’re retired from caregiving
Just my husband and me now
I’m not really retired
I simply give care without pay

I make sure he’s fed and bathed.
And not too bored.
Just my husband and me now.
I miss having backup.

He still takes care of finances.
He does the laundry, with help.
It’s quiet as we go about our day.
Just my husband and me now

Friday, December 21, 2018

PAD Challenge 13-2 Quiet/loud

Joyful Noise

Drums, guitars, piano, mikes
Clapping, singing, shouting
I confess,
I wear earplugs to church.

When God whispers
in His still, small voice,
I want to be able
to hear Him.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

PAD Challenge 13-1 loud/quiet

long, loud
scold, yell, cheer
fan, teacher, librarian, mom
Shushing, sneaking, tiptoeing
soft, quiet

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

PAD Challenge 12-3 Disaster

The One Who’s Able

Disasters happen every day
To someone, somewhere in the world
A building burned, a huge house hurled
And smashed to smithereens like clay
A storm leaves all in disarray
Disasters can be big or small
An earthquake or a missed phone call
A thousand dead or burnt souffle
Sometimes disasters can be good
They often offer a fresh start
A better job or neighborhood
With that in mind you can take heart
And turn to God in earnest prayer
Depending on His loving care

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

PAD Challenge 12-2 disaster

Praying Mama

In Louisiana, hurricanes
were common as alligators
and my daughter lived down there
and whether she evacuated
or toughed it out in the hospital where she worked,
I was up in Colorado being a praying mama.
So glad she’s now closer to home in Arizona.
Still a praying mama, but I got lots of practice
in her Louisiana years.

Monday, December 17, 2018

PAD Challenge 12-1 disaster


I grew up knowing about two Johnstown floods, 1889 & 1936.
since I lived fourteen miles northwest of it in New Florence.
When I was eighteen and while I was spending the summer
in Cheyenne Wyoming, the third one happened in 1977.

When I first heard about it on the radio, I pictured
a few loaves of bread floating around in store aisles,
but as the day progressed I realized it was much worse.
One of my cousins was on the missing list, (but later found).

A great uncle I barely knew was killed along with his girlfriend
and her daughter. A trailer court I used to visit was wiped out.
A total of 84 people lost their lives and hundreds lost their homes.
Johnstown never recovered: businesses and employees left for good.

I came back from Cheyenne and got a job at Johnstown McDonald’s.
The town was a depressed area and the job itself was depressing.
To make matters worse my three closest friends were unemployed:
due to the flood, a broken arm and being out of work for the winter.

I’d hang out with them and they’d talk about sleeping in while I
had to get up at five and work at McDonald’s. To me, it was a disaster.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Poetic Bloomings words to live by

When in doubt
Love God and others
Can’t go wrong
Love Him in thought, word and deed
Love others by being kind
Try on other’s shoes

Saturday, December 15, 2018

PAD Challenge 11-3 forgiveness

The Cage

Bitterness keeps long accounts
And the debt is never paid
It rots you from the inside out
That’s how grumps are made.

Forgiveness quickly sets free
From revenge’s bonds
Both the one who did wrong
And the receiver of the wounds.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Thursday, December 13, 2018

PAD Challenge 11-1 forgiveness

Making it Right

Like fragrance after rain, is a soul
who owns up to the wrong done,
makes it right as best as possible
and is in relationship once again.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

PAD Challenge 10-3 teen

Changing Times

One time, on a school night
I wrecked my sled and
broke my glasses
and I had to go a whole day
at school with everything
looking like blurry blobs.
I looked down a lot
and most people
except for my friends
didn’t notice my shiner.
But Mr. Bryson
called me forward
for some reason.
I can’t remember why.
But I remember looking up
and I could see he wore
a strange expression.
He had this almost smile
but didn’t say anything.
Nowadays my parents
probably would have
received a phone call.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

PAD Challenge 10-2 teen


I was in chemistry class
when the bell rang
coincidently at the time
I asked for a bathroom pass.

Mr. Jones thought
I was getting the pass
to meet with my boyfriend.
He said, “Tell Drew I said hi.”

I couldn’t pass up the chance.
So, after I went to the restroom,
I walked into study hall,
found Drew and told him,

“Mr. Jones said hi.”
No one questioned me.
If they did, I would have said
that Mr. Jones had sent me.

Monday, December 10, 2018

PAD Challenge 10-1 teen

He Saw Me in Purple

I remember one year in high school,
purple was a popular color.
One boy noticed this
and was pointing out all the purple shirts.
I was wearing purple that day.
He pointed to me, “There’s another one.”
I was surprised he saw me.
People normally didn’t.
I was noticed for wearing a purple shirt.
Just a fluke.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

PAD Challenge 9-3 Burn

Burn Out

Life’s plate piles ridiculously high
Teeters as it reaches the sky
Without a doubt
You’ll burn out
If you soon don’t prioritize

Saturday, December 8, 2018

PAD Challenge 9-2 Burn

Burning Acres

No hurricanes here
Tornadoes are rare
Snowstorms, we can wait out

But here in southwest Colorado
where we get about 13 inches of rain each year,
you better not drop a match.

Friday, December 7, 2018

PAD Challenge 9-1 Burn

Burn Dance

Fire dances
gracefully back and forth
around what it consumes.
Beautiful and deadly
like Herodias's daughter
dancing for the king,
asking for the head
of John the Baptist.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

PAD Challenge 8-3 hint

Always There

I remember the day I first
realized I’d never be alone.
I was waitressing at a restaurant.
I went back to the break room alone,
bowed my head and gave thanks.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

PAD Challenge 8-2 Hint

The Artist

Open fields
Stormy clouds
Glimmer of the western sun

Tree-covered hill
Rushing river
Mountain peaks against pink sky

Attentive pines
Singing crickets
Brilliant stars in indigo night

Golden sunset
Quiet islands
High cliffs keep watch

Lush valleys
Breeze carries fresh fragrance

God hints at who He is.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

PAD challenge 8-1 Hint

Surprise Packages

I have no reason to hint
for what I want for Christmas
since shopping solely falls to me.

I buy what I want,
poke it in a gift bag,
and mark it from my husband.

On Christmas, I open it,
and say, “Just what I wanted!
How did you know?”

Of course, it’s a bit boring
knowing what I’ll get.
But my memory’s getting bad.

I’ll just wrap it early
and by the time I open it
I’ll truly be surprised.

Monday, December 3, 2018

PAD Challenge 7-3 Occupation


Our church built a ramp.
So far, on a regular basis,
up and down the ramp, I’ve taken
An elderly lady
A developmentally disabled man
A friend with a bum foot
Another friend with a bum foot
A developmentally disabled woman
And now my disabled husband
Sometimes it seems that God’s not happy
unless I’m taking someone up and down that ramp.