Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Poem Away Ekphrastc

Red Earth

In Alabama, on a church choir trip,
thirty-some of us youth from P-A,
I saw red earth for the first time.

Crammed on an old school bus,
we napped leaning on our arms
and we stayed in people’s homes.

We sang “Lightshine,” the girls
 in long green checked dresses,
the boys in jeans, shirts and bowties.

It was the first time many of us
traveled that far south and red earth
made us feel we had landed on Mars.

I live in Colorado now, “color red.”
I saw a a river turn red after a storm.
I’ve been to fifty states and a few countries.

My world has expanded. New places
and experiences don’t seem so foreign.

Aging may have its advantages.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Poetic Asdies Droigneach


Can’t wait to spend some time at the carnival.
The perfect place that is my favorite.
We will have unending fun. The animal
with an amusing face is the  elephant.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Poetic Bloomings, flower, Vers Beaucoup

A Rose 

A rose grows tempting nose to
toes to dance and prance
in fanciful delight and might
in the night cause you to fly high.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Poetic Bloomings flower


In Colorado, out my front door,
purple lilacs take me back
to my Pennsylvania childhood
where huge bushes graced country roads
and paths with exhilarating fragrance,
as I ran past, with wisps of appreciation,
to play with cousins and friends

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Poetic Asides Negative

Starting Over

I learned about starting over
after negative circumstances,
from putting together jigsaw puzzles.
Start with the frame.
Make sure the important corners are in place.
Sort into categories.
Begin with the easy sections.
When it gets difficult be satisfied
with getting one piece of the puzzle that day.
Enjoy the talents of the artist
in the individual pieces.
Keep moving forward.
Accept reworking some sections
as part of the process.
Don’t give up.
Celebrate accomplishments.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Poetic Bloomings bringing back something good from the past

The Running

I remember running outdoors and playing hard.
One time in particular, a vacation in Delaware,
as I was running by in the sand, I heard an adult
wistfully say, “O to have that energy again!”
I wondered why adults liked to sit so much.

I ran everywhere around my country P-A home.
Through large yards, up and down hills, over creeks,
Through the woods, and in the summer—barefoot.
I volunteer at a Nature Center now and am amazed
how many kids have never been in a forest before.

I miss the energy, the being outdoors, the running.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Poem Away Mother's Day Quintilla

Passing it On

My mother was uniquely she
Smart, strong, and given to good works
But had her oddities and quirks
No matter I tried not to be
I often see those quirks in me

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Poetic Asides Rondelet

Hurrah for Spring!

Hurrah for spring!
When snow gives up and sun smiles warm
Hurrah for spring!
When flowers bloom and birds take wing
When I relax and watch a storm
When lilac fragrance is the norm
Hurrah for spring!

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Poetic Asides weapon, strombotto

Self-help Books

Diet books to battle overeating food
Visionary books to give me eyes to see
Anti-depression books to help with my mood
Steps to success books to win me victory
Good manner books to prevent being rude
Upbeat books to defeat negativity
Self-esteem books to adjust my attitude
Armed with self-help books to fight the faults of me

Monday, July 22, 2019

Poetic Bloomings Catena Rondo, Poem Away Child care day

Full Circle

I have come full circle.
I started watching him when he was two.
Autistic, and sweet, joy the whole way through.
I have come full circle.

I started watching him when he was two.
We rejoiced when we would meet.
Caring for him was tiring but a treat
I started watching him when he was two.

We rejoiced when we would meet.
But over the years our families parted.
That’s when fulltime caregiving started.
We rejoiced when we would meet.

But over the years our families parted.
We took in adults with special needs
For twenty years we did these deeds
But over the years our families parted.

We took in adults with special needs.
For health reasons host home ended.
But the first family we refriended
We took in adults with special needs.

For health reasons host home ended.
The little boy is now a man.
And I watch him when I can.
For health reasons host home ended.

I have come full circle.
I started watching him when he was two.
Autistic, and sweet, joy the whole way through.
I have come full circle.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Poetic Asides Strombotto, Poem Away reunion

Family Reunion at Friday Harbor

Watching killer whales along craggy coastline
Searching for souvenirs in quaint, artsy shops
Biking on curvy roads, sniffing scent of pine
Discovering beauty in views from hilltops
Boating with family, feeling cool spray of brine
Snug in a cute cottage waiting out raindrops
Watching seaplanes land, while on fresh fish we dine
Taking lots of pics to put on our desktops

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Poetic Blooming May, Poem Away motorcycle, pensee

May ride
Zipping along curvy roads
Through the hills of Pennsylvania
Wish I could go back there

Friday, July 19, 2019

Poetic Bloomings faith, Poem Away Rondine

It Takes Faith

It takes faith to face the blank page and write
And trust that bits of impressions and thought
Will take shape and  some substance will be caught
To go against doubt when nothing’s in sight
To feel earthbound but let musings take flight
Knowing that somehow it will come out right
It takes faith.

It’s true that process itself can bring light
But I’ve learned that a writer can be taught
By the Great One above who knows a lot
It is He who causes words to ignite
It takes faith.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Poetic Asides impossible, Poem Away Stanzaic


Some things seem impossible
Makes you feel a fool at loss
Then something pulls at you
You’ll show it who’s boss and see it through

So you struggle on with it
Wanting so to quit and yawn
Feels like you just sit and flail
It’s night before dawn, you just may fail      

Then you dig up your chutzpa
You let go of the if/ buts    
And then you think-huh-it’s done
Impossible? Nuts! You won!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Poetic Asides impossible

That Feeling

I love that feeling
after a long struggle with the impossible,
when you look at the accomplishment
and realize it was possible after all.

It’s akin to what David of the Bible must have felt
when he defeated the lion, giant and bear.
Oh, my!

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

PAD 30-1, stop

Stop Stopping

Stop stopping and start starting, lazy me.
I just can’t seem to get going today.
I sit here and fritter my time away.
Don’t  know what happened to my energy.

Today it has become an absentee.
I try to get going, but here I stay.
I cannot even get myself to pray.
Maybe giving myself a break is key.

Take a siesta or chat with a friend.
Work on my jigsaw puzzle, piece by piece.
Watch horse and cat videos to no end.

Trust that this mood will eventually cease.
Well, now, at least my last PAD poem is done.
Now, I’ll see if I can get on the run.

Monday, July 15, 2019

PAD 29-3 ...Again

Coming Again

Wars and rumors of wars
Technology for the mark
Jesus is coming again.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

PAD 29-2 ...Again

On the Road Again

Soon we’ll be on the road again,
making our way up to Seattle
and the San Juan Islands
to our Shannon family reunion.
I’ll see a new great niece I’ve never met.

Then on to Vancouver and Shannon Falls.
I’ve been to Shannon River in Ireland,
now I want to see Shannon Falls.
Like Willie Nelson sings,
“I can’t wait to get on the road again.”

Saturday, July 13, 2019

PAD 29-1 ...Again

Blank Again

After helping
three groups
of eleven first graders
make baby owls
by stuffing alpaca fiber
into pine cones
and sticking jiggle eyes
and orange paper beaks
on them with glue,
lots of stick-to-little-fingers glue.
My mind’s blank again.

Friday, July 12, 2019

PAD 28-1 remix

Boaters rescued whale.
Untangled, whale leapt for joy.
Rescuers rejoiced.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

PAD 27-3 directions

Lots of trees
I grew up there
Visit relatives
I miss the lightning bugs
Share laughter and memories
Catch up on years of past events
Once so familiar and now so strange
Our house is gone and so are some loved ones.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

PAD 27-2 Direction

Detour on the Directions

I found a chicken, bacon casserole recipe.
It sounded good, so I tried it out.
It called for sour cream, I had yogurt.
It called for parsley, I put in chives.
It called for cheddar, I had the processed kind.
It called for bacon. I used sausage.
It called for chicken. I substituted turkey.
I made a turkey, sausage casserole tonight.
It tasted good, despite the detour from the recipe.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

PAD 27-1 Directions

A Promise

In the cool of the evening, I walk
along the sidewalk towards the quiet north.
All the shops are closed, not many about.
The sky’s a mix of blue, white and gray clouds.

I’ve been inside all day with indoor things,
though it’s one of the first nice days this spring.
I promised myself I’d spend time outdoors.
In the cool of the evening, I walk.

As I pass budding and blossoming trees,
I make myself another spring promise.
I’ll visit my kids next April. I walk
along the sidewalk toward the quiet north.

Arizona when it’s not deathly hot,
and Colorado won’t give up snowing,
I’ll make my escape each year, I promise.
All the shops are closed, not many about.           

Firm in resolve, I head back to the house.
Not quite ready to go inside and write,
I sit on the porch breathing in fresh air.
The sky’s a mix of blue, white and gray clouds.

Monday, July 8, 2019

PAD 26-3 evening, catena rondo

Like a Hidden Treasure

My heart seeks You, like a pirate a hidden treasure
I search in the stillness of twilight
I listen in the darkness of night
My heart seeks You, like a pirate a hidden treasure

I search in the stillness of twilight
I recall Your loving ways
Your blessing all my days
I search in the stillness of twilight

I recall Your loving ways
I feel Your smile on me
In You I am free
I recall Your loving ways

I feel Your smile on me.
In You is great peace.
In You is release
I feel Your smile on me

My heart seeks You, like a pirate a hidden treasure
I search in the stillness of twilight
I listen in the darkness of night
My heart seeks You, like a pirate a hidden treasure

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Saturday, July 6, 2019

PAD 26-1 evening, strombotto

Winding Down

As the evening light softens, I rest and write.
My fingers tap, tap on plastic lettered keys.
Many cluttered items are within my sight.
Photos, phones, books, knick-knacks, wheel chairs, all of these
Coats lie on the couch back, from heavy to light.
From the window, a warm (finally) spring breeze.
Cars roar by as they go off into the night.
I think, soon, I will fall asleep with ease.

Friday, July 5, 2019

PAD 25-3 Exile

Banished from home
Heinous acts of violence
Ultimatums, persecution

Thursday, July 4, 2019

PAD 25-2 Exile

Self-Imposed Exile

E xiting a familiar place
eX pecting life will take hold
I ntrigued by adventures
L et bygones be bygones
E xcited about the new start

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

PAD 25-1 Exile, Poem Away Pushkin sonnet

Exiled from my Peers

I’m sixty years of age with children—grown.
They’re happily unmarried—my complaint.
Will I be blessed with grandkids of my own?
To have this patience takes complete restraint.
While others smile with glee and show their pics,
I caregive some to get my grandma fix.
This has been going on for many years.
I’m feeling like I’m exiled from my peers.

I try to be content, not down and blue.
I’m thankful for my family and friends.
I have so many blessings without end.
But I’ve a case of grandma envy, too.

I’m sixty years of age with children—grown.
Will I be blessed with grandkids of my own?

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

PAD 24-4 complete...

There once was a man from Mesquite
Who only had one shoe for his feet
Then out of the blue
Someone gave him a shoe
And now the pair are complete

Monday, July 1, 2019

PAD 24-3 complete...

Completely Coincidental?

One day I went to a yard sale
and bought a set of books,
complete all except for one.
I went across town to another yard sale
and found the book missing from the set.
What were the chances of that?
Made me wonder if the two families were friends
and one borrowed a book from the other.