Thursday, October 31, 2019

Poetic Asides Tomorrow 2

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Yesterday fades into history.
Tomorrow remains a mystery.
Today we’re tasked to make it count
and we wonder what it’s all about.

To love God and love others
mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers
to the best of our abilities
though we have our inadequacies.

Perhaps we’ll have another chance…

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Poetic Asides Tomorrow 1


T ime ticks the day away.
O ne barely notices.
M any tomorrows.
O ne day at a time.
R eminding us
R egarding the inevitable,
O ne day there
W ill be no more tomorrows.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019


Till Next Time
(a monotetra)

Packed up, gassed up then on I went
Four fifty miles, seven hours spent
This has become common event
I am content, I am content.

To see my daughter and my son
Go here and there have lots of fun
Exhausted when we are all done
Play cards till one, play cards till one

We shopped and looked for quaint antiques
We could do that for many weeks
For books my daughter often seeks
We’re reading freaks, we’re reading freaks

One day, we exercised at pool
It was a nice way to get cool
In Phoenix, heat makes you a fool
It can be cruel, it can be cruel
They go to work and then I clean
Three cats with hair make things obscene
So suck it up, vacuum machine
Cats think I’m mean, cats think I’m mean

And now I’m finally back home
I’m settled, till next time I roam
I’ve got the travel chromosome
I’ll take a gnome, I’ll take a gnome

Monday, October 28, 2019

PB ekphrastic from a picture


Hot dog!
I get it.
Who’s the wise guy?
This poor excuse of a wiener dog
may be cute and cuddly,
but he can’t
turn his ears inside out
like I can.

Sunday, October 27, 2019


As Vacation Ends
(a triolet)

As vacation with our kids ends,
are we feeling down and blue?
Of course that all depends,
as vacation with our kids ends,
on what we see around the bends.
What our we looking forward to?
As vacation with our kids ends,
are we feeling down and blue?

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Poetic Bloomings story in dialogue

Proposal Gone South

Adelle, please will you marry me?

I do not think we’re a good fit.

Our years add up to thirty-three.
So let’s not go and ruin it.

Just think how happy we can be.

I like my home and you keep yours.
I can’t be with someone who snores.

If we are being honest, then
I don’t like that laugh of yours.

You want to break up? Just say when.

Friday, October 25, 2019

PB Ryuka

Looking Forward to My Quiet Town
(a ryuka)

Sounds of sirens in the distance
Roar of traffic few blocks away
Buzz of hedge trimmers down the street

A city of noises 

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Poetic Asides My Blank

My Toes
(an imayo)

My toes are under cover, they’re getting toasty.
You wonder why I do not pull the covers off?
Yes, that would be logical, but the cat’s about,
Stalking my toes like a mouse. He likes to bite them.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Funny Names While Painting
(Antelope Tan and Terrace White)
(a dodoitsu)

We laughed at our “Goliath.”
The large bookshelf wouldn’t budge.
And “Antelope Cantaloupe”
And “Terrorist White”

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

PB boketto

Thank You, Lord
(a boketto)

For husband, son and daughter
For a celebratory
dinner of steak and crab cakes
For forty years
we’ve been together

For his blue eyes and white beard
For his laughter and kisses
Thank You, Lord

For his distinctive rough voice
For his willingness to help
For his prayers for my safety
For his living
For his gratefulness

For the past good memories
For his mathematical mind
Thank You, Lord

For his tears when he is touched
For his compassion and love
For patience in his troubles
For his walker
For stroke survival

For him still being with me
For him being able to talk
Thank You, Lord

Monday, October 21, 2019

Poetic Bloomings young

I feel I’m thirty
Till I struggle from the floor
Body says, times two

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Poetic Blooming daily thing

(a Bussokusekika)

Sun’s still wakening.
Only sound, my ears ringing.
Journal to Jesus.
He already knows what happened,
but I review yesterday
committing today to Him.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Poetic Asides Kwansaba

(a kwansaba)

George was a tall, black, kind man
He raised loud, barking coon dogs
He and my Pappap were friends
We rarely saw black people
So we liked it when George came
And we were  proud of Pappap
For his friend, George the black man

Friday, October 18, 2019

PB Choka

Big O Waiting Room
(A Choka)

Sitting at Big O
Listening to thumps and whirs
Silly space movie playing

Stuffy smell of grease
Man comes out with black filter
Yes, go ahead replace it

How many times now?
Wishing hubby could do this
But now I am stuck with it

Commercials blaring
Getting ready for a trip
Overwhelming to-do list

But here I must sit
Time to work on computer
How I write a poem a day

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Poetic Asides wordle, viator

It Matters Not
(a viator)

It matters not the games you play,
but who you play with in the maze.
The ones you walk with on your way.  
The friends with whom you spend your days.

When you have time to have some fun,
it matters not the games you play.
Play with ones you enjoy the run,
then you can handle come what may.

Days of the week or holiday,
whether football, Frisbee or Flinch,
it matters not the games you play.
Who is your comrade, that’s the cinch.

With the right team, you can’t be beat.
But as you all grow old and gray,
yes, win or lose the playing's sweet.
It matters not the games you play.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

A rhupunt

Drawing Near
(a rhupunt)

Lord, You are good.
Wish that I could
be more like You.

As I draw near,
grant ears to hear.
My needs are few.

My greatest need,
on Your truth feed.
My mind renew.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Hir a thoddaid

Holy Blasts
(a hir a thoddaid)

God is good, His love lasts forever.
His wisdom’s great, at best we’re clever.
He won’t forsake us, no not ever.
Will He give up on us? No! Never!
He reaches out to us with open arms.  
His love won’t let our bond be severed.

His love lasts forever, God is good,
whether we sin or do what we should.
All of our darkness, He understood.
He leads us out of sin’s neighborhood.
He cleanses our souls and offers new life.
And He spurs us to do what He would.

The Lord’s love and goodness always lasts.
He reaches down and frees us from pasts.
And He accepts us though we’re outcasts
We can trust Him, His power is vast.
He forgives us when we confess to Him.
Happiness will come in Holy blasts

Monday, October 14, 2019

Poetic Bloomings ity

(a gwawdodyn)

I look at my overwhelming list
With nobody around to assist
My life’s all muddled and I’m befuddled
And I feel like there’s something I missed.

I think of a particular verse
I know my circumstance could be worse
If I had nothing to do, I’d be blue
And be ready to ride in a hearse

So I determine task number one
Which is prayer and my day has begun
Yes, I make my plan and do what I can
 In His wisdom my race will be won

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Poetic Blomings story starter

The Little Box
(an  englyn cyrch)

She touches the little box
in her pocket and she talks
to it and smiles at her thoughts
of love and lots of long walks.

He had given her a stone,
just a small pebble, alone,
a promise that he’d return,
and she just learned he came home.

Now, she looks up into his eyes,
and he gives her a surprise.
Puts in her box a new thing,
a diamond ring just her size.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Poetic Asides Welsh form

We Six
(an englyn byr cwca)

I’m alone but not alone
I keep company with myself and me
I try to set nice tone

I seek my own opinion
When me, myself and I need to decide
We abide as just one

And we three keep company
With the Holy trinity. We converse.
Bible verse speaks to me

Friday, October 11, 2019

Body of water

Shannon Falls Near Vancouver
(a Cywydd Llosgyrnog)

Shannon Falls—twisting bridal veil
Viewed from platform at top of trail
Deep breathe, Inhale the pine scent
Beauty ‘round us makes day ideal
Air cools, shadows lengthen so we’ll
Stroll back down, feeling content

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Poetic Asides Body of water

Pappap’s Well
(a cyrch a chwta)

Papap’s water in a well
An old-fashioned pump could tell
Of children many a tale
How they loved to hear it wail
And screech water into pail
How one boy ran, slipped and fell
When my sis painted the pump
Up he jumped with navy tail

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Poetic Asides cyhydedd naw ban

A Holy Pause in a Busy Day
(a cyhydedd naw ban)

Lord, though to-dos await in the wings,
I pause before You and bring those things
That trouble me and induce some fear,
For You are faithful throughout each year.
I’m confident that You hear my prayers.
I know You’re the one who truly cares.
You’re the God who knows when sparrows fall,
So You surely hear me when I call.
Thank You for all blessings from above,
And most of all, thank You for Your love.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Poetic Asides cyhydedd hir

In Awe of You
(a cyhydedd hir)

I come to Your throne
Boldly, but alone
I’m Yours, not my own
So, Lord, draw near
I have made my choice
And so I rejoice
To hear Your still voice
With ears to hear

Have Your way with me
So I can be free
To know and to see
You as You are
I praise You my King
With joy, I will sing
To You I will cling
My shining star

Monday, October 7, 2019

Poetic Bloomings tree

Dear Tree
(a cyhydedd fer)

I pray for you, tree, every spring,
Though that may seem a funny thing.
You wait so long, I think you’ll die.
If that would happen, I would cry.
Not far from you, there stands a stump
Where stood your brother, just a bump.
I’d hate to see you share his fate.
That’s why I care you green up late.
I like your shade on summer days,
Though pods you shed set me a-craze.
And when in fall you turn bright gold
I am afraid you won’t grow old.
You stand in winter dark and bare.
I hope in spring, your life, He’ll spare.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Poetic Asides Clogyrnach


The sun is hiding over hill
The birds are sleeping soft and still
Alarm’s going off
Sleep wasn’t enough
Start the day

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Poetic Asides autumn

(a byr a thoddaid)

The trees are turning golden, now
Reminding me of certain vow
When we two stood on a colorful lawn
Began the life in store