Tuesday, March 31, 2020

PAD countdown 25-1 short form


S aying a lot in a few
H alf of the words, or less, than most poems
O pen to big ideas and little ones, too
R ealizing this poem is reaching its end
T omorrow, maybe a longer poem.

Monday, March 30, 2020

PAD countdown 24-3 persona


I’m a piece of paper, blank and white,
Waiting for someone on me to write.
But the writer is tired. She should be fired.  
I’ll have to wait for some other night.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

PAD Countdown 24-2 persona

Stray Cat

I’m fluffy and orange
And go to her house often.
One of these days
She’ll break her resolve
And let me in.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

PAD Countdown 24-1 persona

Butting Heads

She gets me out of a dark cupboard,
where others more useful than me stay.
She puts me in the center of the table
and puts in his thick-handled spoons.

He takes out the spoons and replaces me
with a cut off, used potato-chip can.
He casts me aside saying,
“Cups belong in the cupboard.”

She says, “But I want to see that cup.
It’s too small to hold my tea.”  
“I want it in the center of the table
holding your thick-handled spoons.”

I’m with her. I’m only half a cup.
I remember their daughter smiling,
saying, “I’ll buy this for Dad.
On my side, in colorful lettering reads,

“Grand Turk was so expensive
I could only afford half a cup. “
So Mom put me on a living room shelf,
and smiles, remembering warmer climates.

Friday, March 27, 2020

PAD Countdown 23-3 escape

Somewhere New

When I was young I wanted to escape
the small P-A town of one thousand folks,
instead of trees and hills, to new landscape.
To live in a small town seemed like a hoax,
at least the subject of sarcastic jokes.
I itched for the new and to move around:
new people, places and fun things to do.
And though I moved from that small P-A town,
I still have the itch to go somewhere new.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

PAD countdown 23-2 escape

Lovely Lands Across the Sea
(Curtal Sonnet)

Escape to lovely lands across the sea
Experience great wonders right up close
To hike and bike and breathe in lively air
To  learn about intriguing history   
Adventurers will need not be morose
They dare to taste some flavorful new fare
To hear exciting songs and try their dance
Take home great pictures of which they can boast
To know a part of their own heart’s still there
Escape to lovely lands when given chance
Yes! Dare!

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

PAD Countdown 23-1 escape

My Escape

My friend, 
You’re my escape
from loneliness.

My healer,
You’re my escape
from sickness.

My hope,
You’re my escape
from depression.

My peace,
You’re my escape
from stress.

My strength,
You’re my escape
from weakness.

My guidance,
You’re my escape
from losing my way.

My righteousness,
You’re my escape
from sin.

My shepherd,
You’re my escape
from abandonment.

My encouragement,
You’re my escaped
from stagnation.

My joy,
You’re my escape
from boredom.

My love,
You’re my escape
from fear.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

PAD countdown 3 22-3 time


Just now
Sails by so fast
It soon is in the past
The next second may never come
Just now?

Monday, March 23, 2020

PAD countdown 3 22-2 time

(catena rondo)

It’s time to praise the Lord
For He alone is good
Let’s praise Him as we should
It’s time to praise the Lord

For He alone is good
Creator of all things
Of Him the whole earth sings
For He alone is good

Creator of all things
Mountain, desert, ocean
He set all in motion
Creator of all things

It’s time to praise the Lord
For He alone is good
Let’s praise Him as we should
It’s time to praise the Lord

Sunday, March 22, 2020

PAD Count Down 3 22-1 time

A Matter of Time
(Bref Double)

It’s just a matter of time
Till this whole thing blows over
So we just go forth and live
Grateful for any blessing

Slowing down to make a rhyme
Staying long under cover
Cleaning the house, finally
When this ends, we’re just guessing

Spending time with family
Checking up on each other
Scrimping on toilet paper
Avoiding what’s depressing

Knowing now’s the time to shine
Taking time to discover

Saturday, March 21, 2020


The Toilet Paper’s Gone

The toilet paper’s gone, they say

And canned goods disappeared 

Whoever thought it would be this way?

The toilet paper’s gone they say 

Maybe it’s now time to pray 

It’s like the preppers feared 

The toilet paper’s gone, they say

And canned goods disappeared

Friday, March 20, 2020

Poetic Asides Spring

It’s Time

It’s time for Colorado spring
When robins chirp and hop about.
We garden and we fish for trout.
And all returning birds take wing.
And we retrieve the backyard swing.
It’s time to get our spring coats out.
It’s time!

The skies turn gray, a gloomy thing.
Snow flurries fly and then we doubt. 
“It’s time! It’s time!” We start to shout.
“We’re tired of snow! It’s time!” we sing.
It’s time!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Morning Worship

Jesus Is…
The personification of peace,
power,  patience, sacrifice,
mercy, grace, goodness,
gentleness, kindness joy, truth,
humility, hope, holiness, life,
light, love, victory, self-control,

Wednesday, March 18, 2020




with a good attitude

long enough

for God

to have His way

in a situation.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Poetic Bloomings connection


I think of Dr. Seuss’s

Because a Little Bug went Ka-choo!

and the ka-choo’s resulting havoc.

Now the world has its own

little bug that went ka-choo,

making real the effect of things unseen.

So, Lord, I pray for a pandemic of grace

that kills off discord, animosity and hate.

May we connect as one in Your love.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Morning worship

G od, You are awesome.
L oving, holy and good.
O pen my eyes and ears to the
R eality of who
Y ou are, wonderful, glorious God. 

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Poetic Asides breccbairdne

Go Away Spider

The spider’s crawling  
Above on the ceiling
Scared it would be falling
Then I would be reeling

Go away spider
Don’t like to be squishing
I might then be screaming
My broom I’ll be swishing

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Poetic Asides Novum

Burst Forth


Burst forth boldly

You banish fear

Braver than most

Let love linger

Lose selfish goals

Pursue great dreams

Be so thankful

Bring blessings now

Blazing the way

Friday, March 13, 2020

gwawdodyn hir Poetic Asides

Trudging and Coasting

(gwawdodyn hir)

A little bored longing for a thrill

But I plod along with force of will

I'm feeling like life is all uphill

But I’ll whiz back down with grace and skill

May as well have fun on the downward slope

And so I hope I will not take a spill

Morning Worship

Pure Worship

Lord, I come before You
knowing very little,
but I know You enough
to love You,
serve You
and worship You.

You are great
and worthy of all praise,
honor and adoration.

My prayer is that I will worship You
in all I think, say, write and do.

Open my eyes
to who You are,
to Your presence
and intervention
in my life.

I love You.
Thank You for loving me so much
You sent Your Son to die
as a sacrifice for my sin.

Thank You that He rose again
and I now have hope of Eternal Life.

Thank You that when Christ appears,
I will be like Him, 
for I will see Him as He is. 
Since I have this hope in Him
I purify myself, 

just as He is pure. (1 John 3:3).

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Poetic Asides Shape, Poetic Bloomings Espinela


A Valentine heart, bright and red
Uplifts the soul and gives it cheer.
It makes you smile to toes from head
And glad for loved ones far and near.

The love we share is like a thread.  
There are so many little ways
To stitch our hearts all of our days,
And link them like a patch work quilt.
That’s how relationships are built.
An act of kindness surely pays.