Thursday, June 30, 2022

The Last Blank April 2022 PAD Challenge 29-3

 The Last Time You Were Here


The last time you were here,

when I tried to wipe your face

you screamed and startled me.

I screamed back.

You screamed again.

I walked out of the room.


A few minutes later,

you came into the kitchen

and looked me in the eyes

and stroked my face.

I knew you were sorry.


Communication with you

is a rarity.

But on a deeper level,

it’s amazing.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

the last blank April 2022 PAD Challenge 29-1


The Last Trip


The last trip I took

was one of the best.

Now I’m home

and taking a rest.


The next on the list?

To Kenya, I’ll aim.

Or perhaps to Ashville.

Who am I to blame?


For this wander lust

that’s perpetually within me.

World exploration

helps form my reality.


Giraffes and elephants

They’re calling.

Hope this pandemic doesn’t

keep travels stalling.


The last trip I took,

I hope’s not the last.

I look forward to others

and having a blast.

Monday, June 27, 2022

sight April 2022 PAD Challenge 28-3




The little wooden church

huddled amongst the elms and pines.

A path led through the grasses to where

the morning sun turned the door golden.

The spire pointed up, inviting a higher focus.

Sunday, June 26, 2022

sight April 2022 PAD Challenge 28-2




The giant gnarled trees

allowed a road to pass through

to where a couple stood silhouetted

in the glowing sunlight.

Saturday, June 25, 2022

sight April 2022 PAD Challenge 28-1

 Headed Home


Cat of nine tails poked up

by a rustic dock,

looking out to a silver lake.

A flock of gulls headed toward

the sun glowing orange

in the creamy sky

above a flat shoreline.

Friday, June 24, 2022

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

remix April 2022 PAD Challenge 27-1

 Remix Sounds April 25th


Sounds at Home in Colorado

We had a lovely trip until the end.

The wind and dust made it so hard to see.

I thank the God on whom I can depend.

I thank Him for the times with family

And Mesa, Lincoln and Saint Augustine.

I’m home in comfy chair, and listen here  

to cars that whoosh by on the street so near.

The heater whirs. It’s colder than the south.

My hubby’s up with tell-tale sounds I hear.

I let the songs of praise come from my mouth.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

love/anti love April 2022 PAD challenge 26-3



Love waits for a child to tie his shoes  

Love helps Grandpa read the morning news  

Love is glad when Sister wins the prize  

Love sees its own strengths through the Lord’s eyes  


Love knows it’s a member of the team

Love builds up another’s self-esteem

Love shares possessions with all around

Love’s cool is kept when errors abound  


Love doesn’t keep score when it’s betrayed.

Love’s not happy when evil’s displayed.

Love is glad when the truth is made known

Love doesn’t quit when its groove is thrown


Love gives the benefit of the doubt  

Love always believes good will win out

Love intercedes for the innocent

Love accomplishes good in the end

Monday, June 20, 2022

love/anti love April 2022 PAD Challenge 26-2



Warm, healthful

Hugging, helping, enjoying

Hugs, kisses, vacancy, absence

Ignoring, resigning, quitting

Distracted, unaware


Sunday, June 19, 2022

love/anti love April 2022 PAD challenge 26-1


She stays

She will help him

Her broken arm will heal

Her mother grieves, feeling helpless

She stays

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Response April 2022 PAD challenge 25-3

 Bobbing in the Ocean


It surprised me

when my sister agreed

to come out into the ocean

with me to bob in the waves.


We inched out carefully.

I went out further

and allowed the waves

to lift me as they came in.


Sis stood and let them hit her.

She headed back to shore.

I went with her to help,

but we were both knocked down.


She went out and I went back

bobbing in the gentle waves,

not knowing her leg was scraped

and bleeding from her fall.


But it wasn’t too bad.

I felt glad I had faced my fears.

And she just hoped

we wouldn’t appear on Facebook.

Friday, June 17, 2022

Response April 2022 PAD Challenge 25-2


(A Gogyohka)


One month, nine days


I’m glad I’m here

But I’m going home

And will glad to be there.


On My Way

(A Gogyohka)


Seventy mph wind, dust clouds

Gallup, New Mexico, cops everywhere

Hazard lights, creep along

Total brown out, cry out to the Lord

White lines become visible

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Response April 2022 PAD Challenge 25-1

 New Morning Sounds


Now in Colorado,

after driving through a dust storm.

I sit in my comfy recliner

and listen

while I thank God for a safe trip,

the family times in Nebraska,

South Dakota, Florida and Arizona.

I listen

the ringing in my ears is still there.

The whir of the heater.

Colorado is a lot colder than Phoenix.

An occasional growl or whoosh

of a car or truck going by.

The hum of traffic on the distant highway.

The tap, tap, tap of my laptop keys.

The click of the door. Hubby is up.

Thankful to be back home.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022



Saint Augustine tall, black and white light house

Topped with a red cupola

Blue sky, fluffy white clouds



Two white, curly-headed lion statues

On each side of a long bridge

Hello, St. Augustine

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Hero April 2022 PAD Challenge 24-3


My Superhero


Jesus is my superhero

Not only because he walked on water

Raised the dead, healed the sick,

Cursed a fig tree and it died

Turned water into wine

Made the lame walk, the blind see

Fed five thousand

with a few loaves and fish

Calmed the storm

Beat the devil at his games

Resurrected from the dead

But because He’s big enough

to love me as I am.

Monday, June 13, 2022

Hero villian/something new April 2022 PAD challenge, Poetic Bloomings 24-2



They say learning something new

helps prevent memory loss,

so as I age, teachers

are my new super heroes.

So hats off to my uke teacher,

my Spanish teacher,

my French history teacher

my body language teacher,

my cell phone photography teacher,

my art teacher,

my nonfiction writing teacher,

my hip hop dancing teacher,

my body composition teacher,

and my business teacher.

All on video, all my super heroes.

Hopefully they’ll help rescue me

from cerebral plaques and tangles.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

hero/villain April 2022 PAD Challenge 24-1

 Pizza Man


When he was little

he wore a cape every day

part of an old

patchwork quilt top.

He was a hero.


Now he wears a shirt and cap

with pizza logo

and delivers pizza.

Perhaps he’s a hero

to hungry customers.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Conspiracy April 2022 PAD Challenge 23-3




Sometimes it’s hard to know

What to believe is true

People who I know and love

Seem to have come unglued.


It seems that common sense

Has become a thing of the past

I’m wondering how long confusion

Of this word will last.


Conspiracies abound

From one side to another

Each containing a bit of truth

And pits brother against brother


So I cling to the shining light

Of Jesus being the way

And pray for love to overcome

The evil of the day

Friday, June 10, 2022

Conspiracy April 2022 PAD Challenge 23-2



Sandman conspires against me

When I’m trying to stay awake.

Cleaning the house, making the meals,

It’s time for a much-needed break.


I take a few minutes to write.

Sandman conspires against me.

And a few minutes while I rest,

I plan what the evening will be.


I will cook chicken for dinner,

Broccoli, sweet potatoes, bread.

Sandman conspires against me.

And I fall asleep as if dead.


So I get up in a hurry,

Microwave frozen meals quickly.

So we’ll have chicken tomorrow.

Sandman conspires against me.

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Conspiracy April 2022 PAD Challenge 23-1

 Up and Down Ramps


I wonder

if it’s a cosmic conspiracy

that I’ve pushed people

in wheelchairs

so many times

up and down ramps.


Perhaps to build my muscles

Make me more compassionate

Appreciate my own skill to walk

Maybe I look cute

pushing people

up and down ramps.


I don’t know,

but I’ll keep exercising

to avoid

anyone having to

push me

up and down ramps.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Organism April 2022 PAD challenge 22-3



If “ism” represents

a specific practice,

system or philosophy.

Does an organ player

have organisms?

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Organism April 2022 Challenge 22-2


What Happens?



How we begin

Fertilized sperm and egg

Innocent babes, wide-eyed children

And then…

Monday, June 6, 2022

Organism April PAD Challenge 22-1

 My Tree


My tree

It’s late again

The only leafless one

All other trees are greening up


Sunday, June 5, 2022

Sound April 2022 PAD Challenge 21-3



Shrill, loud

Clanging, banging, assaulting

Sirens, drums, lullaby, tip-toes

Whispering, hushing, comforting

Still, quiet


Saturday, June 4, 2022

sounds April 2022 PAD Challenge 21-2


I think my hearing’s going.

Everyone sounds like

the Muppets Swedish chef.

Bork, bork, bork!

Friday, June 3, 2022

sounds April 2022 PAD challenge 21-1

 Morning Sounds


Soft thwack

of rough tongues on soft fur,

Kitties grooming.

Steady whoosh

and gentle tap, tap, tap

of the AC.

Quicker tap, tap, tap

of the ceiling fan.

Softer tap, tap, tap

of my laptop keys.

Slight ringing in my ears

Whoosh of traffic on the street

Growl of a nearby truck

Chirping of birds arising

with the sun.

Otherwise, a quiet morning,

my penultimate morning in Arizona,

visiting my daughter and son.

Thursday, June 2, 2022

six words April 2022 PAD Challenge 20-3



(a termelay)


Suit and dresses

Pumping handshakes

We meet, He guides

Double the enthusiasm

Find contentment in prayer and praise

We meet, He guides

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

six words April 2022 PAD Challenge 20-2



(a Laurette)


Revise content

Edit double

Let intuition guide

Meet and critique

Pump up, inspire

Market what suits. Don’t hide.