Monday, September 16, 2024

Italy Trip 2024


Day 3 of Italy Trip


Last day in Mesa, biding time.

Bought groceries and packed my case.

I will be glad for cooler clime,

One hundred four no more to face.


Checked in for the Nebraska flight.

I hope I get some sleep tonight.

I’ll soon see baby and the kids,

If I can open tired eyelids.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Italy Trip 2024


Day 2 of Italy Trip


To-dos have seemed to follow me,

Housework and paperwork and such.

Forgot my meds so stupidly.

My tasks today, a little much.


Phone calls and texts, get things in line.

I trust it all will turn out fine.

Still need to pack to make things light.

Lufthansa’s limits—strict and tight.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Italy Trip 2024

 Day 1 of Italy Trip


Before I travel very far,

I rally those who like to pray.

Today as I packed up my car,

I have some faith to go away.


I’m now in Mesa safe and sound,

With cactus, heat, and hilly ground.

Here with my daughter and my son,

We’ll spend some time and have some fun.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Pre trip

One More Day


Today is Tuesday, almost done

Tomorrow, is the day we leave

I doubt I’ll get up with the sun

An early start, I can’t conceive


I had a busy day today

I did help teach at nature school

Then ran errands every which way

I’ll go to bed or be a fool

Thursday, September 12, 2024



Connie Stuckman


C hrist Jesus, please bless Connie Stuckman

O pen doors for her that no man can open

N ow, close the ones that need to be closed

N urture her by Your grace and Holy Spirit

I ntervene in all that she goes through each day

E nvelop her in Your loving kindness, always


S pirit move on her as she reaches out to others.

T each her Your ways. Grant her wisdom and

U nderstanding. Do a good work in and through her.

C ontinue to create in her a heart that seeks after You.

K eep her in Your loving protection and healing power.

M ay her days be sweet and full of joy and peace.

A lways, let her feel Your presence and hear Your voice. May

N ew adventures and opportunities be given to her.

                    In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Pre Trip

 Two More Days


Today is Monday, two more days

So much to do before our trip

I’m trying not to go acraze

Nor leave some tasks undone or slip


The yard, the laundry, dishes, trash

I hope my nerves don’t yield a rash

Gas up the car, some posts and pack

Twill be a month before we’re back

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

September October trip


Three More Days


Today is Sunday, soon we’ll go,

For Wednesday is the day we leave.

I thank God there will be no snow.

Perhaps, this journey we’ll achieve.


We plan four countries and three states.

 Our journal’s marked with many dates.

Cortez, Phoenix, Lincoln, and Rome,

And Pittsburgh, Youngstown then we’re home.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Month Poetic Bloomings



O pening eyes to glorious colors

C olors of oranges, yellows, reds

T easing and tempting to jump in leaf piles

O pening senses and filling our heads

B eckoning all to come outside and play

E ssence of cider and pumpkin sweets

R eminding us of fun-filled childhoods

S cuffling through leaves and begging treats

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Month Poetic Bloomings

 A Year


January long, cold month

February short, cold month with Valentine’s Day

March a little hope forming around St. Patrick’s Day

April Sunshine and snow and was that a robin?

May I believe we made it through the winter—

one last snow storm

June Long, hot days but where did the time go

July Feeling alive, as long as we have good AC

August Days are getting shorter,

are those leaves tinged yellow?

September hot and cold and one last trip

October glorious colorful month

except we know what’s coming around the bend

November Yes, let’s be thankful, but here comes winter

December Hurry Scurry Christmas month, let love lead

Saturday, September 7, 2024


 Today’s Hike on Priest Trail of Colorado


Up and down mountain paths

Pines, aspens, wild flowers

Snapping photos

Two chipmunks chattering,

chasing each other

Tap, tapping with trekking poles,

informing bears of our presence

Clambering over roots and rocks

Resting by a creek to eat,

listening to its soft gurgle

Huffing and puffing on steep inclines

Leg muscles tightening on the way down

Glad to see the truck at the end of five miles.

Wash off hot and dirty feet in the creek

Ride home, hobble up the drive

Relax and nap in the recliner

What a great time,

but, oh, I can feel it!

Friday, September 6, 2024

Labor Poetic Asides

 Labor of Love


May all we do be a labor of love

Helping others along the way

Whether caring at home

Or on the job for pay

May all we do be a labor of love


May all we do be a labor of love

No matter what we do, we serve

Whether teaching a child

Or dancing with verve

May all we do be a labor of love


May all we do be a labor of love.

To better life for all around

Whether we’re creating

High up or on the ground

May all we do be a labor of love

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Labor Poetic Asides

 Labor of Listening


Young and newly married,

when I was around a group of moms,

inevitably they’d break out their birthing stores.


All of the moms had one or more

and were eager to share,

which I found slightly boring and annoying.


Now, I have two birthing stories,

I attempt to keep to myself,

for fear of birthing boredom.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Labor Poetic Asides

 God’s Smile


As I labor, I feel God’s smile on me,

Whether it’s simple or requires skill.

It makes work easier to know He’s pleased.

As I labor, I feel God’s smile on me.

Knowing He loves me makes life sweet.

It pays to listen and, in His presence, be still.

As I labor, I feel God’s smile on me,

Whether it’s simple or requires skill.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Ekphrastic from a photo

 Hot Springs


Colorado blue sky

overruled by fluffy white clouds.

Pined mountainside

with a fringe of oak brush,

which offered a place to change into swimsuits,

often regarded as optional.

Rustic benches.

Two yellowish pools, one slightly higher,

trickling into the lower,

as a tiny waterfall,

both cradled in orangish earth.

Orange rocks scattered about.

The smell of sulfur.

The soft, continuous roar of the rushing river.

The chatter of the Steller’s jay.

We found our footing across the uneven bottom

and inched our way

into the warmer-than-bathwater pool.

Relaxing in a bit of Heaven on Earth.

Monday, September 2, 2024

lost and found Poetic Bloomings

 Mistake by Design?


We knew better

But followed the GPS

Perhaps new route?

Maybe it knew what was best.


We felt like fools

Saw two trails had the same name

We turned around

With only ourselves to blame


Two hours later

We headed up the right trail

Not discouraged

At our previous fail


Thinking of bears

We were glad about the time

Missed their foraging

Our hike turned out fine

Sunday, September 1, 2024




M iracle are what only God can do.

I mpossibilities made possible

R eality turned on its head

A ll things are possible with God.

C reation, healing, protection

L ove in action

E ndless supply of hope

S o, I will trust Him.