Friday, January 21, 2011

Big Tent Poetry Food Prompt

Chocolate Says A Lot

Chocolate says a lot in a way that’s oh so sweet.
It’s more than a delicacy or a Valentine treat.
Chocolate says I care for you and love you very much.
Chocolate says I’m proud of you, with a special touch.
Chocolate says, with you, no one can compete.

Chocolate cheers you up when you’re feeling defeat.
Chocolate reassures you that you won’t be beat.
Chocolate offers an emotional crutch.
Chocolate says a lot.

Chocolate says thank you. I think you’re really neat.
Chocolate says I’m glad you’re here. Welcome to my street.
Chocolate celebrates (especially Double Dutch).
Chocolate crosses barriers when you’re in a clutch,
in a universal language, and I will repeat,
Chocolate says a lot.


Tumblewords: said...

Oh, it DOES! Love it!

Anonymous said...

Love Chocolate! BTW The link you have on Big Tent didn't post as a link so I had to copy paste into search.

Anonymous said...

hi, connie! i fixed the link at big tent. no worries!

and thank you for this ode (of sorts) to chocolate. few things in this world are as deserving of poems as chocolate is. :)

Laurie Kolp said...

Yummy, Connie. I agree... chocolate is therapy!

Deb said...

I'm so glad chocolate speaks!