Friday, March 4, 2011

BTP Flame, question, parade, thigh, defy, gasp, slip, wake, typical, boyish, tangle, smile

Wise Guys and Thighs

He started with a boyish smile
and the typical question
“Have we met before?”
She said, “No,”
and tried to slip past him.
A flame of anger flashed across his face
at her daring to defy his friendliness.
She was too tired to tangle.
Instead, she joined the parade to the bathroom.
People gasped as he started yelling and
making rude comments about her thighs.
Someone called the cops, but they proceeded
to let the guy go and question her.
They also started insulting her figure.
She was glad when the alarm went off.
It was time to wake up and head for the gym.


vivinfrance said...

I enjoyed your quirky poem very much: proof that Wordles can make sense.

Tumblewords: said...

Don't you just hate nightmares like that? A wonderful read - well wordled!

gautami tripathy said...

I liked what you did with it...

rivulets of space

Due to Census work for the past one month, I have not been able to visit and comment. I will be back with a vengeance after a day or two!

Anonymous said...

So glad she was okay in the end.

Laurie Kolp said...

Great poem, horrible dream.

Maggie said...

Interesting turn of events. Glad it was just a bad dream.

Anonymous said...

definitely a nightmare. very nice take on the prompts.

Anonymous said...

the thighs of a queen can indeed bring confusion... what a great story!!