Summer of ‘77
Out the plane window, quite a sight.
Excited about her first flight
and the summer she’d spend away.
She mulled over words of a hymn,
her ponderings became so dim.
“God thrills my soul,” the hymn did say.
“Jesus means more than life to me.”
She was thrilled about many
(This she recalled with some dismay.)
cute guys, cool cars, this summer trip.
So many things made her heart flip.
But did He thrill her soul? No way.
At church, she felt most always bored.
Determined, she would seek the Lord
for her entire three-month long stay.
From summer’s start to summer’s end,
she asked the Lord to be her friend.
She read her Bible every day
and joined a church and helped them there.
Became more intimate with prayer.
Felt God’s presence in work and play.
Made strong, enduring Christian friends.
Now, on Christ’s love, this girl depends.
She learned that it’s great fun to pray.
On journey home, feelings intense,
she sang the hymn with confidence.