Connie Lee Peters
C reative? Ah, yes, thanks mostly to my husband.
O pen-minded? Does having a hole in your head count?
N ervous? When I speak in public or when my kids are in a foreign
N arcissistic? A tad. Don’t writers have to be?
I ntelligent? Yes, except STM’s about shot.
E motional? Yes. Makes for a good poet.
L oving? Yes, just don’t bore me.
E ncouraging? Yes, most of the time.
E nthusiastic? Depends. Writing, family and traveling? Yes Housework?
P atient? As a caregiver I have to be, but I’m not always.
E nergetic? I’m working on it.
T alented? In some ways. Writing? Yes Technology? No
E mphatic? About God’s goodness.
R ealistic? Not always.
S imple? Definitely.
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