Thursday, August 14, 2014

Poetic Asides Upside down

Upside-Down World

We sadly live in an upside down world.
Instead of children playing in the park,
atrocities, and their eyes have gone dark.

Wars rage, the innocent die, insults hurled.
The evil laugh, and kill and leave their mark.
We sadly live in an upside down world,
instead of children playing in the park.

Compared to ISIS, whose black hearts are gnarled,
A. Hitler was a gentleman, a lark.
What has to happen for our ire to spark?
We sadly live in an upside down world.
Instead of children playing in the park
atrocities, and their eyes have gone dark.


shethra77 said...

"Compared to ISIS, whose black hearts are gnarled,
A. Hitler was a gentleman, a lark."

I like your poem very much, but have a problem with these two lines. To me, Hitler was just as bad as these ISIS people. The line ends up implying otherwise. Isn't the difference that, for the same sort of thing, you see our response as so much less?
Just a thought.

Shethra Jones-Hoopes

Connie L. Peters said...

I’m comparing the acts of gas chambers to sawing off children’s heads with knives in front of their parents and displaying them in public parks. I always wondered how the world could let the holocaust happen. Hitler took nations bit by bit which is what ISIS is doing. I think these people need to be stopped now, before it snowballs. Originally I had “their heads hang there” instead of the word atrocities but I was a little too soft hearted to put it.

Connie L. Peters said...

But you're right it's more of a call to a greater response.