Thursday, November 5, 2015

PAD 5 Festive


Where did this disability come from?
Not being able to celebrate.
Birthdays. I got used to no presents.
I buy what I want and sign your name.
When I open it I say,
“Just what I wanted, how did you know?”
The same for Christmas.
And when you look at the gifts I buy you,
with indifference, I try to not let it bother me.
Valentine’s Day. Not.
Easter. Your enthusiasm rustles
like wind in a bush.
But no bunnies, chocolates, or egg hunts.
Independence Day. Yawn.
Halloween. No go.
Thanksgiving. You munch while I cook
and when the feast is set
you’re not hungry.
New Year’s Eve.
You go to bed at ten
while I stay up till midnight
putting together a jigsaw puzzle
telling myself, “Happy New Year!”
December 28th 1981
and April 10th  1985.
You had trouble hiding the celebration
pouring from your eyes.
You fairly vibrated with excitement
at the birth of your children.
Why are you afraid to rejoice in the good things?
Yes, we’re waiting for heaven,
but it’s okay to enjoy a little bit of it on earth.
I think when we delight in God’s gifts
like children opening presents at Christmas time,
He smiles.
You have many strength, talents, and abilities.
Celebrating isn’t one of them.

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