Tuesday, September 20, 2016

PB line messaging

Spiritual Radio

Knowing that God loved us so much
He sent His Son to die
and His Holy Spirit to live inside,
I try to listen for God’s still, small voice.
Responsibilities clamor. The to-do list is long.
The foggy mind can barely hang on to a thought
beyond go here and there, do this and that.
It’s like trying to tune in a radio full of static.

And it takes effort and discipline
to train the mind to quit
judging, ridiculing, condemning myself.
I must take care of the interference.

Instead, meditate on His word, His love
His heart, His hope, His essence,
and, for at least an hour, rid myself
of the world’s distractions and busyness.


I try to listen to God’s still, small voice.
It’s like trying to tune in a radio full of static.
I must take care of the interference
of the world’s distractions and busyness. 

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