Wednesday, November 30, 2016

PAD 8 always changes or always the same

Everything changes
except the One
who is the same
yesterday, today, and forever.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Lori's gift

L et love, laughter and
O pen and warm conversation
R efresh your spirit
I n this place

Monday, November 28, 2016

PAD 7 activity


Geese flying
Wind whipping branches
Leaves falling
Leaves crunching
Parents raking up leaf piles
Kids leaping with glee

Sunday, November 27, 2016

PAD 7 activity

Nightly Activity

After everyone goes to bed,
I get out my markers and tablet
and doodle while watching shows
on my computer till
all begins to fades away.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

PAD 7 activity PB celebration

The Saturday after Thanksgiving

I love celebrating Thanksgiving,
Remembering all the good things
God has given me.

But the Saturday after
bursts forth in long-
awaited activity.

Starting early September
our host-home client
is ready for Christmas.

Christmas shirts and Christmas movies
and often pushes the Christmas button
on her communication device.

But the Saturday after Thanksgiving

We decorate the tree and the house.
The whole town decorates.
The Christmas music plays.

Putting up the Christmas tree
signals to her that everyone else
is finally getting with the program.

Friday, November 25, 2016

PAD 6 phobia


Crowded plane
In economy
We’re smushed in
I wish I could fly first class

Thursday, November 24, 2016

PAD 6 phobia


The fear’s a false presumption so
I wish I’d conquer it for good.
When time to speak, I’m full of fright.
It’s how the story always goes.

A boulder nestles in my gut.
And with a glance, I’m set to go.
My gaze rests there upon my notes.
I try risk looking past my nose.

And with a punch, I start the show.
I claw my way through nervousness.   
And press on through with what I know.           
At last, path’s end is there in sight.

Then with deep breath, I let it flow.
Applause is sweet, when it’s done right.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

PAD 6 phobia


He’s holed up at home
Not far does he roam
The computer his dearest friend
Explores Google Maps
Avoiding mishaps
He’s up with the latest trend

He thinks of those times
With reason and rhymes
When he dared to venture out
But it’s safer here
To live without fear
Sheltered from judgment and doubt

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

PAD 5 wire

Wired up
Ready to go
Two thousand miles later
Ready to go
to bed

Monday, November 21, 2016

PAD 5 wire

The Bomb

The hero has to clip a wire
Just when he was about to retire.

His cutter wavers over the blue.
Will he be able to follow it through?

Next he contemplates the yellow.
We hold our breath for the fellow.

As the clock ticks, he turns to the red.
Will this one leave everyone dead?

With seconds left, he clips the right one.
 He’s got the bad guy on the run. 

Sunday, November 20, 2016

PAD 5 wire

W inding, wiggling, curving, turning
I nside the walls of the house
R effusing to work=
E aten by a mouse

Saturday, November 19, 2016

PAD 4 Imagined World

The Magic Food World

Wouldn’t it be nice
to live in a world
where you could eat
anything you wanted
and not gain an ounce
over your healthy weight?
I wonder if you’d get tired
of spending all day
eating favorite foods.

And then there’d be
all of that grocery shopping,
cooking, and cleaning.
In this imaginary world,
it would have to be magic food
where just thinking about it
would make it appear,
and with a snap of your fingers,
the mess would cease to exist.

Would you possibly do anything else? 

Friday, November 18, 2016

PAD 4 Imagined World

The Queen of Denial
rules a world
where problems
disappear like ghosts,
but her loyal subjects
seem to be operating
in a parallel universe
they call reality. 

Thursday, November 17, 2016

PAD 4 Imagined World

is an imagined world
where all the negatives
gather around like vultures
to devour the flesh of the dead.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

PB appreciate

Get well
And remember
that the God who watches
sparrows is watching over you.
You are worth much more than birds.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

PAD 3 If I'd Only blank

If I’d Only Finished What I Started

New ideas are like
new lovers.
thrilling, refreshing, promising.

But the more time you spend with them
they become like the fat, gray, frumpy spouse
you’ve been married to for fifty years.

Writing projects can be like that. 

Monday, November 14, 2016

PAD 3 If I'd Only Blank

If I’d Only Kept My Mouth Shut

I often marvel
at how often a quiet person
like me can get herself
into trouble
by saying the wrong thing.

You’d think
by saying fewer words,
I’d choose to say the right ones.
At least, with writing you can hit delete,
but still, I should hit it more often.

So if I’d only learn to say,
“Excuse me.” “That came out wrong.” “Sorry.”
I may spend less time
beating myself up
for saying the wrong thing.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

PAD 3 If I'd Only Blank

If I’d Only Said No

If I’d only realize
that each yes amounts
to spending time.

Each yes adds stress
to a day
already chock full.

One more yes
makes me renege
on something else.

Yes can be
like writing a check
on an empty account. 

Saturday, November 12, 2016

PAD 2 animal spirit


Its glowing face compels me.
Its warmth beckons.
So I will sit here on laptop keys.
I have no regard for poets.
Haven’t you got a pen? 

Friday, November 11, 2016

PAD 2 animal spirit


With a purposeful stride
I hide in tall grass
and stalk my prey.

With a growl in my throat
I pounce, devour, rest, purr.
I thrive.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

PAD 2 animal spirit


I swing and glide
from limb to limb.
I’m way up high,
agile and trim.

Don’t come so near,
I’m right up here.
And I will snatch
your hat. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

PAD 1 stay leave


L et’s go where the grass is greener,
E xperience life at its fullest.
A dventure and accomplishment awaits.
V enture forth victoriously.
E nd the boredom and discontent.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

PAD 1 stay leave


S imply not leaving. Sticking around.  
T aking the opportunity to be content
A nd enjoy the comfort and beauty around you.
Y ou made a promise, have a purpose. Stay for the joy of it

Monday, November 7, 2016

PAD 1 Stay Leave

Still, long
Sitting, sleeping, meditating
Rock, mountain, bird, elk
Soaring, racing, walking
Fast, far

Sunday, November 6, 2016



P utting power in my life.
R eminding myself who He is
A nd how much He loves me.
Y elling quietly to move mountains.
E nergized by hope and grace.
R easoning together, soul white as snow.

Saturday, November 5, 2016



J ustifier
E ternal hope
S avior
U nderstanding
S pirit provider

Friday, November 4, 2016

Acrostic prayer


P lease orchestrate my day, Lord.
R ight now, I don’t feel like doing anything.
O pen my eyes to Your will for me today.
C reate in me a desire to do my Father’s will.
R emind me of my purpose here on earth.
A nd teach me to number my days, like in Psalms.
S pirit fill me now and enable me to pray God’s will.
T rinity, I love You, three in one God.
I ntervene in all of my cares and concerns.
N urture me in faith and in Your Word.
A ctivate Your grace in my life so that I will obey You.
T rusting You to guide me and have Your way in me.
O rchestrate my life, like the Grand Conductor You are.
R ight now, I don’t feel like doing anything.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

PB Halloween


H aunting spooks and wandering witches
A pples to bob and candy to gather
L eaves crunching under shuffling feet
L aughter and giggles of little imps
O wls hooting, bats flying, spiders scurrying
W ind whistling through barren branches
E erie sounds and sights, funny ones, too
E ngaging in high-spirited mischief
N iggling memories of childhood fun

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Acrostic prayer


L et them know You and love You
O penly all the days of their lives.
S how them that this world will end in its
T ime, but Your home endures forever.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

No ideas poem

Lazy Muse

I type out lines
while hubby cares for our two.
The dishes wait.
The dust gathers.
The to-do list feels neglected.
But I type away
hoping my muse will get off her duff
and inspire me.
Is my muse lazy
or is it me?