Friday, November 4, 2016

Acrostic prayer


P lease orchestrate my day, Lord.
R ight now, I don’t feel like doing anything.
O pen my eyes to Your will for me today.
C reate in me a desire to do my Father’s will.
R emind me of my purpose here on earth.
A nd teach me to number my days, like in Psalms.
S pirit fill me now and enable me to pray God’s will.
T rinity, I love You, three in one God.
I ntervene in all of my cares and concerns.
N urture me in faith and in Your Word.
A ctivate Your grace in my life so that I will obey You.
T rusting You to guide me and have Your way in me.
O rchestrate my life, like the Grand Conductor You are.
R ight now, I don’t feel like doing anything.

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