Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Blank if blank

Receive if You Believe

R emembering all the dumb things I’ve done
E nergy, time and money I’ve spent on useless things
C ombined with the sin factor
E ven though
I ‘ve been loving and serving You these forty plus years I feel no
V ictory, at times. Occassionally I feel that
E verything is going my way. But when things fall apart

I imagine that it’s my doing. I should have prayed and fasted more, sinned less.
F ather, no matter what I do or what happens, help me remember that

Y ou will always love me. You said come let us reason together. Your
O nly begotten Son
U nderwent tremendous torture, gave of His

B lood and washed my scarlet sins white as snow. I have
E ternal life, but not only that,
L ife here on earth got a whole lot better
I have forgiveness of sin, Acceptance into Your family.
E verything is covered by His blood. I do have
V ictory even when it looks like I don’t.
E ternal life then and answered prayers now, I believe and receive.

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