What was it like for Jesus on Saturday?
We think about Your special twelve
While You were hidden in Your grave.
How Your disciples worried then
While trying to be calm and brave.
How Satan thought that he had won
And the Sanhedrin must have smirked
And patted themselves on their backs
At how their evil plan had worked.
And how the women knelt and grieved
At the great loss of one they loved.
And all their hopes seemed dashed and lost
With only silence from above.
But how was it for You, my Lord,
In almost three-day interim?
Between the time You walked the earth
And Sunday when You would return.
Were there high fives passed all around
Between all those who’d gone before?
And sadness when they surely learned
You’d be gone some forty days more?
Did they start counting down that night?
Was there excitement all around?
Did cheers go up when stone was moved
And You came up from underground?
We know You hadn’t really died
The Friday those on earth had cried.