Thursday, May 2, 2024

memory PAD 11-2

 Summers in Delaware


Every summer, the seven of us would cram into our station wagon with our belongings stored underneath a row boat on the roof and escaped into the night like a band of refugees to travel from Pennsylvania to Delaware. Dad would never drive during the day because of the traffic, but mostly because his five daughters would sleep. We’d wake up and it was like magic to be in grass, trees and hills one moment and sand, water and flatlands the next. We’d spend the week in a little cabin by the lake---swimming, fishing, playing hide-n-seek, having water fights and cookouts. We’d go to the ocean a few times, and despite Mom’s best efforts, we’d get sunburnt. Over the years, we got to know the locals and my oldest sister almost married one of them. That was the summer only four of us girls went down and slept in a tent on an island, which we learned had a large population of raccoons and that you shouldn't keep food in your tent unless you want visitors. Eventually going to Delaware was only a memory—well actually, many memories.


The seven of us

Fun, magical memories

Sand, sun, ocean, lake

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