Saturday, August 31, 2024

Morning Prayer

 Shaded by Grace


Like cloud cover

on an otherwise sunny day,

may the realization of who You are

always overshadow

who I perceive myself to be,

that I may rest in the shade

of Your love and forgiveness,  

so my glaring faults don’t blind me,

like staring into the sun.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Responsible Poetic Asides

 My Sweet Baby Sister


I was about seven or eight.

My little sister not quite two.

For some reason the other four

in our family were out of the house.


Dad and I were charged to watch the baby.

Dad watched TV; I played in the back room.

I heard a shriek when Mom came home.

“Who’s supposed to be watching the baby!”


My little sister had climbed up on the table,

and opened a big bottle of syrup.

Covered in the sticky goo,

she was happily sucking her fingers.


Dad thought I was watching her

and I insisted it was Dad.

I suppose we were both responsible,

but it was Mom who cleaned up the mess.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Day of the week Poetic Bloomings

 Simple Sundays


My Sundays may seem all the same.

We go to church, come home and eat.

I call my two with same last name,

And work on jig-saw as a treat.


I write a poem and read some, too.

I like them all, not just a few.

I call my friend, we chat and pray,

And seek His help for each new day.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

You're so blank, Poetic Asides

 So Good


God, You're so good!

Loving, creative, beautiful. 

Thank you for the tall pines

As they sing in the wind.

Thank you for the little black squirrel

Scurrying around looking for breakfast. 

Thank you for the rocky path

Leading to the still pond of cat of nine tails.

Thank You for the steep path

Leading to the fire tower.

Thank You for the deer

Grazing in the field.

Thank You for the life-giving rain

Leaving its fragrance.

Thank you for this Nature Retreat

Where we'll learn how to share

Your creation with children.

Thank You for being good,

So good!

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

vehicle Poetic Blooming



Anticipation for another flight

Though, in Germany a month ago

I may be crazy, this I know

But I’ll be happy to see each sight

In Italy, for the time is right

From Venice to Lazio



Transatlantic through the night

I may write poems or watch a show

And chat with Sis, so time’s not slow

In Florence with the morning light


Monday, August 26, 2024

Excess Poetic Asides




Are our actions excessive?

“Beyond the normal limit.”

Or are our limits excessive?

Does the casting off restraints

become reasonable

and even necessary?

When is enough enough?

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Dark Poetic Bloomings




D arkness descends on a troubled soul

A voiding ones who could make them whole

R etreating from life and left all alone

K eeping their secrets all to their own

N obody loves them and nobody cares

E ven they lose interest in people’s stares

S uffocated in darkness, lacking the light

S urprised by the hope that’s ready to fight

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Flight Poetic Asides


Bipolar Disorder


When you’re married

to someone with bipolar disorder,

sometimes it’s hard to tell

why they do what they do.


A person with bipolar disorder

may jump from a ten-story building

from depression, wanting to end it all,

or because they think they can fly.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Flight Poetic Asides

 Worth Annoyances


We’re crammed in like a can of peas,

With shows to watch that aren’t so great.

The air is on, designed to freeze.

Tell me, what’s this that I just ate?


It’s been nine hours, now next day.

Between two folks with nought to say

So much on planes there to annoy.

But soon, I’ll go again with joy.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Wild card Poetic Bloomings, Rispetto



My house is like a museum,

a plethora of things displayed.

But not so many will see ‘em.

I’ve been too busy, I’m afraid.


But I’m not only to be blamed.

Yes, other busy folks are named.

We’re all as busy as can be.

My home’s seen by Hubby and me.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024


 You are My Rock


You are my rock.

Substantially my strength and hope.

You are my rock.

I depend on You as I walk.

Because of Your love, I can cope.

Your love has an infinite scope.

You are my rock.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024


 The Great Outdoors


As children, growing up in Pennsylvania,

everybody’s large lawns served as our playground

filled with trees and hills with a creek running through.


We lived outdoors in all weather,

biking in spring, swimming in summer,

jumping in leaves in fall and sledding in the winter.


Now, I spend my life, mostly indoors,

but the trees, mountains, hiking paths call,

incessantly call, “Come out and play!”


But mostly, I work, mowing, planting,

weeding, whacking down unwanted elms

and teaching kids at the Nature Center.


Most of the kids live in town

and have never felt the uneven ground of earth

under their feet while learning, playing and exploring.


I need to practice what I preach.

and get out more, hiking, playing, learning

and exploring God’s beautiful earth.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Movie trailer Poetic Asides

 Grave Secrets


Sage drifted in his hot-air balloon

over the beautiful Colorado valley

where a river ran through.


A woman scrambling down a hillside

caught his attention,

as she headed straight for the river.

Then he saw why.

Two curly headed toddlers

perched on the bank.


Since Sage saved the twins,

he was part of the family,

now baby sitter and guardian

while their parents were away.

But they didn’t come back.


He felt his friends were still alive.

He entered the cave.

He heard the click of a gun.

A rough voice snarled,

“You’re not welcome here.”

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Library, Poetic Bloomings

 Back to the Library


I don’t read much anymore,

Seldom darken a library’s door.

I read my friends’ and when I must,

While most books collect some dust.

I think of those times among the books,

Reading for hours in library nooks.

Reading wherever I went,

Reading how my time was spent.

Now, I tend to read what I write,

No more reading into the night.

I think I’ll get back to reading

I believe that it’s what I’m needing.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

July 23 trip, shift Poetic Asides

 July 23

Getting ready for the shift

Played Canasta and packed

Traveling’s a gift

Getting ready for the shift

Going home, I feel adrift  

Aiming to arrive intact

Getting ready for the shift

Played Canasta and packed

Friday, August 16, 2024

July 22 trip

 July 22

Penultimate day of visiting here

Played cards, watched TV and ate

About to leave ones we hold dear

Penultimate day of visiting here

We’ll see them later in the year

Summer’s not the best to visit this state

Penultimate day of visiting here

Played cards, watched TV and ate

Thursday, August 15, 2024

July 21 trip

July 21

Church, Canasta and NCIS

Time with our daughter and son

My awake and asleep times are a mess

Church, Canasta and NCIS

I’ve been eating too much, I must confess

Except for loud music, today was fun.

Church, Canasta and NCIS

Time with our daughter and son

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

July 20 trip

 July 20

Watched NCIS, began Italian today,

And Hubby and I cleaned out the fan.

While daughter and son were out of the way.

Watched NCIS, began Italian today.

When daughter came home, we began to play

Some days don’t turn out like I plan

Watched NCIS, began Italian today

And Hubby and I cleaned out the fan.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

July 19 trip

 July 19

I’m off kilter with time

Half asleep all day long

Watched a show about crime

I’m off kilter with time

A few minutes for a rhyme

Writing project is coming along

I’m off kilter with time

Half asleep all day long

Monday, August 12, 2024

July 18 Trip

July 18

Still in Mesa with daughter and son

With them both being off to work

Done with one trip, now for another one

Still in Mesa with daughter and son

Italy is coming just for fun

Doing groceries in cirque

Still in Mesa with daughter and son

With them both being off to work

Sunday, August 11, 2024

July 17 trip

 July 17

Recovery day from Germany trip

Meals, laundry and sleep

Trying to get a grip

Recovery day from Germany trip

It did go by in a blip

Time for daily upkeep

Recovery day from Germany trip

Meals, laundry and sleep


We come to the Father as little tykes

He kisses our emotional owies all better

Even when we are people no one likes

We come to the Father as little tykes

After our wounds from mental strikes

To love, we become the Lord’s debtor

We come to the Father as little tykes

He kisses our emotional owies all better

Saturday, August 10, 2024

July 16 trip

 July 16

A thirty-two hour day

Too hungry to sleep, too tired to eat

It came time to fly away

A thirty-two hour day

Returned to hubby and kids today

Now, too tired to stand on two feet

A thirty-two hour day

Too hungry to sleep, too tired to eat

Friday, August 9, 2024

July 15 trip, road, Poetic Asides

 July 15

A fun day in Frankfurt on the Rhine

Spending the last day with the team

Learned some friendships aren’t fine

A fun day in Frankfurt on the Rhine

Went to an Italian restaurant to dine

A cruise and a castle, like a dream

A fun day in Frankfurt on the Rhine

Spending the last day with the team 




On a narrow road of bricks, we shop

Through an old German town

But we have little time to stop

On a narrow road of bricks, we shop

No chance to shop till we drop

We go up a hill and down

On a narrow road of bricks, we shop

Through an old German town

Thursday, August 8, 2024

July 14 trip , cool, Poetic Bloomings

 July 14

Attending church in Kaiserslautern

Singing in German and English. Cool!

Last day here, what did I learn?

Attending church in Kaiserslautern.

God’s people are everywhere you turn.

Though so are ones who are cruel.

Attending church in Kaiserslautern

Singing in German and English. Cool!

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

July 13 trip

 July 13

Busy morning of sorting things from shed

Afternoon shopping and evening restaurant

Kitchen makers might not be getting ahead

Busy morning of sorting things from shed

Finished sorting, played games instead

Shopped and ate Schnitzel, all I could want

Busy morning of sorting things from shed

Afternoon shopping and evening restaurant

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

July 12

 July 12

Today we put a Kia kitchen together.

And met Ukrainians at a coffee shop.

We had a bit of rainy weather.

Today we put a Kia kitchen together.

The day could have gone better.

Didn’t get done, we had to stop.

Today we put a Kia kitchen together.

And met Ukrainians at a coffee shop.

Alte Eiche 1676 (Old Tree)


We drove through a thick German forest,

Took pics of a three-hundred-year-old tree.

Seeing such beauty and history, we were blessed.

We drove through a thick German forest.

That experience was one of the best.

If only it could talk—What did it see?

We drove through a thick German forest,

Took pics of a three-hundred-year-old tree.

Monday, August 5, 2024

July 11

 July 11

Wednesday turned into Thursday. Wursday.

We’ve been up for nineteen hours

We have come clear Germany way

Wednesday turned into Thursday. Wursday.

It’s time to go to bed now. Hurray!

We’re running on super powers

Wednesday turned into Thursday. Wursday.

We’ve been up for nineteen hours.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

July 10 trip, beach Poetic Asides

 July 10

Colorado is a far cry from the beach.

In Germany, it will be nearby.

Kaiserslautern, though, is out of reach.

Colorado is a far cry from the beach.

By our kindness, we hope to preach.

We’ll get there in the morning, after we fly.

Colorado is a far cry from the beach.

In Germany, it will be nearby.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

July 9

 July 9

Made it to Denver safe and sound,

But my phone wouldn’t work, at first.

For a while I was turned around.

Made it to Denver safe and sound.

The shuttle pick-up, at last, was found.

Yes, it could have been much worse.

Made it to Denver safe and sound.

But my phone wouldn’t work, at first.

Friday, August 2, 2024

July 8 trip

 July 8

I’m checked into my flight.

Repacked and ready to go.

I hope I can sleep tonight.

I’m checked into my flight.

My big suitcase isn’t light.

Spent time with family, although,

I’m checked into my flight.

Repacked and ready to go.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

July 7 trip

 July 7

Going to church to worship and pray

Walking in the Arizona sun

A nice place to visit, but not to stay

Going to church to worship and pray

At home, we eat lunch and play

A day of worship, rest and fun

Going to church to worship and pray

Walking in the Arizona sun