Tuesday, August 20, 2024


 The Great Outdoors


As children, growing up in Pennsylvania,

everybody’s large lawns served as our playground

filled with trees and hills with a creek running through.


We lived outdoors in all weather,

biking in spring, swimming in summer,

jumping in leaves in fall and sledding in the winter.


Now, I spend my life, mostly indoors,

but the trees, mountains, hiking paths call,

incessantly call, “Come out and play!”


But mostly, I work, mowing, planting,

weeding, whacking down unwanted elms

and teaching kids at the Nature Center.


Most of the kids live in town

and have never felt the uneven ground of earth

under their feet while learning, playing and exploring.


I need to practice what I preach.

and get out more, hiking, playing, learning

and exploring God’s beautiful earth.

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