Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Poetic Bloomings Hardest Thing, Poetic Asides Praise

The Hardest Thing

What’s the hardest thing I’ve been through?
I could write about my dad having Alzheimer’s
or my mom’s amputation of her left leg.
I could write about my husband’s mental illness
and the time he lost our car with all our money
somewhere in Oklahoma, and we had two little kids.
I could write about my mother-in-law being attacked
by two chows, nearly killing her.
I could write about my son almost dying when he was eight.
I could write about my coat zipper breaking
in the middle of winter and I had no money
for a coat or even a zipper.
I could write about my brother-in-law
being crushed in a demolition accident
and seeing my nephew draped across the casket,
because no one was allowed to see the body.
I could write about the day my daughter suddenly left.
I could write about my husband having a stroke,
learning to walk again and having a second stroke
which turned him into an old man.
I could write about losing two special people in my life,
one who was with us fifteen years and the other ten.
But instead, I’ll write about my rock Jesus.
I can’t see Him or touch Him,
but to me He’s more solid than Memorial Rock,
as big as a house, that just tumbled down the mountain
about an hour’s drive from my home,
digging a wide trench through the highway.
He’s the one that got me through all of the above.

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