Friday, January 31, 2020

Poetic Bloomig Adult Christmas Wish List

What I’d Like for Christmas

To eat chocolate, peanut butter
Oatmeal no-bake cookies
Every day and not get fat
…And world peace

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

PAD 30-2 end

At times,
we need to picture 
the end goal,
so we recognize
when we get there.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Monday, January 27, 2020

PAD 29-3 Have blank

Have a Great Trip

Okay I’ll let it slip, I wish someone
would say, “Have a great trip!”
That means I’d be ready to go
far away from this blasted snow.
Out sailing away in the ocean blue
and relaxing with an island view.
Snorkeling and seeing the fishes.
No cooking, cleaning or doing the dishes.
Having adventures and laughing a lot.
Not having to get up on the dot.
But, “Have a good day,” is all I get
It’s nowhere near vacation time yet.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

PAD 29-2 Have blank

Have You Considered?

When you reach 60 you realize
you can go anytime.
My friend, sixty, a picture of health
died of a sudden heart attack.
But my father-in-law is celebrating his 103rd.
What if I have forty more years?
I could do a lot in forty years.

Instead of looking at my life
like it’s winding down,
perhaps, I’ll plan for forty more years,
doing the most important stuff first.
And if I die in a few years, oh well.
But if I live to be 100, at least,
I’ll have something to do.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

PAD 29-1 Have blank

Have You Ever? 

Have you ever seen bright sun rays
lighting up yellow gorse bushes?
Have you ever seen sheep scattered
across rolling emerald hills?
Have you ever seen black and white border collies
joyfully obeying a shepherd’s commands?
Have you ever maneuvered down
narrow castle stairs with low ceilings?
Have you ever tasted black pudding?
Have you ever drunk Irn Bru
from and orange and blue can?
Have you ever heard the whining sounds of bagpipes?
Have you ever seen the mist rise
from a broad glassy loch?
Have you ever seen a red
sine-wave-like cantilever bridge?
Have you ever seen a row of pastel houses
down by the ocean?
Have you ever seen huge ancient trees
shading ancient burial cairns?
Have you ever seen miles of dry stone walls?
Have you ever walked on cobblestone streets?
Have you ever seen shaggy highland cows?

If so, you may have been to Scotland.

Friday, January 24, 2020

PAD 28-3 Gratitude


A depressed mind dwells
On pain, problems, failures, inadequacies
A healthy mind meditates
On love, goodness and blessings
Whatever aim the mind takes
Is where emotions will end up.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

PB 28-2 gratitude, PB Kouta

Thank You, God

Thank You, God, for Your great love
Family and friends
Your great generosity
Seems to never end

Thank You God for this great world
Mountains, deserts, seas
Boulder, flowers, rivers, lakes
Forests full of trees

Thank You God for all the food
That nourishes us each day
For meat, grains and vegetables
For eggs, cheese and whey

Thank You God for animals
All the feathered, finned and furred
Tiny, large and medium
Insects, reptiles, birds

Thank You Heavenly Father
For sending Your Son
For Your Holy Spirit and
O’er sin and death You’ve won

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

PAD 28-1, PB Kouta

A Carnival Glass Cup

Thank You God I found my cup
My dad won when he was twelve
It’s 83 years old now
And safe on my shelf

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

PAD 27-3 Remix

Carnival Glass Tea Cup

My first memory as a little carnival glass tea cup
was at a fair. I could hear the noises of the merry-go-round,
the men calling out to potential game players/money spenders,
and excited children laughing, and calling out to each other.

Being tiny I couldn’t see much of these things.
I sat by glasses and cups much bigger than me.
I could hear the clink of the coins as they hit their sides.
“Ouch that hurt! Don’t throw them so hard! Oh, that one tickled!”

Then I saw  him. The red-headed kid about twelve years old.
He tossed a few nickels then bingo! it went inside me,
rolled around and it did tickle until it rested on the bottom.
I was snatched up and the boy they called Jim took me home.

I sat in a cozy home on the shelf for many years.
watching Jim’s large rowdy family. Then one day I turned up
at his daughter’s home.  I could tell she liked me a lot.
I sat on her favorites shelf for years watching her write.

But one day, sadly, she packed me up in a cardboard box.
Someone was moving in and she needed space.
So I sat for years in the dark until the flood came.
I thought I’d drown or freeze in the cold water but the flood abated.

I was put in a bag, in a big truck and hauled off to be sorted out
with thousands of other moldy items in large bags.
I was eighty-five years old, stashed away in a stinky mess.
I knew she was worried and I wondered if she’d ever find me.

And then one day I was put in another box.
I took the long ride back to her house.
All of a sudden, the box opened and there she was
with a relieved look on her face.

Now I sit happily on the living room bookshelf,
watching her and her husband’s comings and goings.

Monday, January 20, 2020

PAD 27-2 Remix

My White Skirt

When I was sixteen, Mom gave me
thirty dollars to buy a prom dress.
My boyfriend and I found
a cute cream floor-length skirt
and blue blouse of crinkly material
which came to sixty dollars.

He threw in the extra thirty.
I told Mom I had to spend
all the money she gave me,
not admitting the real cost.
I kept the skirt all these years
hoping someday it would fit again.

It had been out of sight and mind
when my daughter was that size.
Recently, my storage space flooded.
I pictured the skirt moldy and ruined.
I thought it would have been better
if I had given it away long ago.

But, to my surprise, I found the skirt
in great condition, perhaps
not good enough to  give away, though.
I’m shocked at how small the waist is
and don’t have high hopes to fit in it again.
So I’ll store it with some other keepsake clothes.

I told my daughter that if I get sick,
become skinny and die, she can bury me in it.
I no longer have the matching blouse.
Maybe my denim jacket I saved lunch money for
when I was fifteen would look cool.
I wouldn’t care what people thought,
since I’d be dead.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

PAD 27-1 Remix

Waiting for an Opening

At times to find an opening
within a conversation is like
Jesus’ proverbial camel
going through a needle’s eye.

So you let the person babble
while you nod and say, “Uh huh.”
You’d like to jump in and comment,
but it proves to be tough.

At last you find a tiny hole,
but your resolve is no more.
Too tired to break into the house
through a dachshund’s doggy door.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

PAD 26-3 love anti love

Tremendous Love

What tremendous love it took
To come in human flesh and live
A common man with all its pain
Oft prophesied in the Book
That He’d sacrificially give
A man, a servant, not to reign
All His rights He forsook
He taught all to love and forgive
Gave it all for souls to gain
Now I sing this refrain   
What tremendous love it took
To come in human flesh and live
And give, die, and forgive
And live again and reign.

Friday, January 17, 2020

PAD 26-2 love anti love

Golden Bond

All the times I thought of leaving
I spared myself a lot of grieving
All the times I thought of leaving
Now that we’re graying, I’m perceiving
We have strengthened one another
All the times I thought of leaving
I’m glad I didn’t; we need each other

Thursday, January 16, 2020

PAD 26-1 love/anti-love


L et’s love in action and honesty
O ne in heart, soul and mind
V ivaciously giving
E ternally living

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

PAD 25-3 meal


B reak fast
R avenous
E ggs, bacon, toast
A pple or some other fruit
K eep a good habit
F amily time
A miable way to
S tart the day
T ogetherness

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

PAD 25-2 Meal


L ets lunch together
U se the time to best advantage
N ot just eating, but friendship
C ompanionship  is necessary
H ow we survive emotionally

Monday, January 13, 2020

PAD 25-1 meal

Meal Memories

In the sixties and seventies,
we seven sat around a table,
which took up most of our tiny kitchen.

Dad sat on the end, by the living room,
free to go relax when he was done eating.
On Thanksgiving, he always carved the turkey.
He’d joke that when he got up
in the middle of the night for a snack
and reach for a turkey leg
he’d get six forks in his hand.  

I sat to his left and was the one
who was close enough to the cupboards
and the door to the back porch.
I was the gopher. Go for this, go for that.
When a spoon was needed from the cupboard
or a jar of pickles from the basement,  
I was the one to get it.

Mom was too the left of me.
Looking back I think I had this position
so both Mom and Dad could help me
since I was the littlest until I was six,
when my little sister came along.
I always tilted my chair back.
Mom always warned me that I’d fall,
but I never did. Mom sat by the stove
so she could reach what was needed.

My little sister jammed between Mom
and my older sister because the table
was really only big enough for six.
She loved olives and put one on each finger.

My older sister was on the other end
 because she was the only lefty.
It kept her from bumping
the sisters on each side of her.

Then came my next sister up from me.
She liked to eat across an ear of corn
like a typewriter, dinging at the end.

My second oldest sister sat
between her and Dad.
We couldn’t say turkey skin
because it grossed her out.
No one would have guessed
she’d become a registered nurse.

We didn’t have napkins
but would pass around a towel
when someone would say, “Towel please.”
Looking back, I think that’s gross.

We talked around the table.
Dad would make his jokes.
He’d burp and Mom would say,
“What do you say Jim?”
trying to teach her five girls manners.
And he’d say, “Buuurrrrrp!”

Whether Thanksgiving or not
meals were fun and peaceful times.
We’d save our tiffs for later.  

Sunday, January 12, 2020

PAD 24-3 prayer acrostic

Thank You, God

T hank You, God for becoming
H uman  and sacrificing Yourself
A ll because You love us so much.
N ow, I praise You and worship You.
K eep me in Your love and care.

Y ou are worthy of my complete devotion and
O bedience.  Please increase my faith, wisdom and
U nderstanding. I need Your revelation.

G od I don’t want to go to the right
O r left but follow You wholly. Guide and
D irect me and teach me Your ways.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

PAD 24-2 haiku

Sing, pray, and worship
The almighty Creator
Who so loved the world

Friday, January 10, 2020

PAD 24-1 dialogue, PB wordle

On the Go

She said, the chances here are slim to none
For our relationship to spread its wings
It seems you never want to have some fun
I like to sing, hike, swim and many things

He said, it’s true I like to sit and be
What’s the hurry to get from here to there?
Just being with you matters most to me
The key to loving is simply to care

She said, if you do care for me then know
Just sitting still makes me feel like I died
I thrive on action, being on the go
So many things to do, the choices wide

He said, then go, but I’ll be here for you
She said, don’t wait for me, because we’re through

Thursday, January 9, 2020

PAD 23-3 Instructions

How to Unstick When Your Stuck

How to write a poem
when you’re stuck for ideas.
Set your timer for ten minutes.
Write about being unable to write a poem.
Write about having too much to do.
Write about being too tired.
Write about your muse going on vacation.
Write about what’s around you
like a couch covered with blankets and coats
and a small throw pillow saying,
“My family tree is full of nuts.”
Write about the yellow and black wheel chair,
the rocking chair with a thick cushion,
so your hubby can get enough umph to stand.
Write about the headband and headphones
and a reminder note to help at the nature center.
Write about your kindle,
a glass full of fruit drink,
and one half full of water.
Write about your mug rug
that a friend gave you
to put your cup of tea on.
Write about your timer.
And when it goes off your poem is done.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

PAD 23-1 instruction


How I fall asleep quickly.

After I lie down,
I decide what snack I want,
 if I make it through my routine
without falling asleep.
Then I go for the action.  

A doration: I tell God five things I adore about Him.
C onfession: I tell God five of my weaknesses and ask for His help and forgiveness.
T hanksgiving: I thank God for five good things in my life.
I ntercession: I pray for five people.
O ver the top: I pray for five things I want that would be impossible to get without Him.
N eed: I ask God for five things I need in the immediate future.

If I make it that far,
I get up and have a snack,
then go back to bed and try again.
But I usually don’t.
Sometimes, I don’t get past A.