How I fall asleep quickly.
After I lie down,
I decide what snack I want,
I make it through my routine
without falling asleep.
Then I go for the action.
A doration: I tell God five things I adore
about Him.
C onfession: I tell God five of my weaknesses
and ask for His help and forgiveness.
T hanksgiving: I thank God for five good
things in my life.
I ntercession: I pray for five people.
O ver the top: I pray for five things I
want that would be impossible to get without Him.
N eed: I ask God for five things I need in
the immediate future.
If I make it that far,
I get up and have a snack,
then go back to bed and try again.
But I usually don’t.
Sometimes, I don’t get past A.
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