Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Book based poem PAD 5-3

 A Twenty-Year Nap

I was fifty-nine when I graduated from college.
I took an online course to finish up my degree.
In the three years I studied, one class at a time,
Rip Van Winkle a story Washington Irving published
in the Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent
showed up as the subject of study each year.
Why was that short story of all stories repeated?
Van Winkle, escaping some farm work fell asleep
for twenty years during the Revolutionary War.
When he woke up it was all over, the world changed.
With all that’s going on in the world today,
what would it look like after a twenty-year nap?
I rest in the fact that God doesn’t sleep,
though a twenty-year nap to escape housework
doesn’t sound so bad.

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