Monday, June 17, 2024

Persona PAD 26-2



It’s been like this all my life.

Surrounded by people

who chatter like ducks.

My words are in my head,

but I can’t get them out.

They say I have autism.


They talk to me,

but only a few of my words

have come out

in nearly thirty years.

So I express myself with my IPAD.

But I can also get my message across without it.


I have signs for yes and no.

I have sounds when I’m not happy.

I have humming and buzzy sounds

as I run up and down the hallway

telling myself stories.

I listen and do what they say.


I stroke a person’s face if I like them.

I ignore them if I don’t.

Some call me “little Jake” like I’m a baby.

Some shout as if I can’t hear.

Some treat me like I’m 29, my age.

I like them the best.


Someday, my words might unstick,

but until that miracle happens,

I’ll be content watching my movies at home

and “Santa Claus is Coming to Town”

when I’m at Connie’s house,

five minutes at a time, over and over.





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