Tuesday, November 11, 2014

PAD challenge from the news

“Large Flightless Bird Closes Indiana Highway.”
(I changed it from a rhea to an ostrich since an ostrich is more familiar.”

Ollie’s New Home

One day, Winkle, Doodles and Noodles
flew along a country road in a wooded valley
 where they met their Ostrich friend, Ollie.

“Why are you out of your meadow?” asked Winkle.
“It’s dangerous on the road with cars,” said Doodles.
“Are you lost?” asked Noodles. “This is not your farm.”

“I moved to a new farm,” said Ollie.
“I had to leave my all my friends.
I’m running away, back to my old home.”

Just then sirens wailed. Police cars came.
The fairies hitched a ride on Ollie’s broad back.
Ollie ran very fast but a car blocked his way.

He turned and ran, but another car zoomed up.
Other cars with more Big People in them stopped, too.
 “Get him!” the police officers shouted.

“There’s Farmer John my new owner,” said Ollie.
“I must get away!” He ran like the wind.
Police officers and farmers ran after him.

Ollie ran this way and that.
The farmers ran this way.
The police ran that way.

“I’m scared!” said Ollie.
“Me too!” said Winkle, Noodles and Doodles
who were hanging on to Ollie’s  feathers for dear life!

“There’s Farmer Bill my old owner!” Ollie cried.
A kind-faced farmer approached and said,
“Careful there, Ollie, it’s okay.”

But Ollie ran and the fairies hung on!
The farmer was tall and strong,
He tackled Ollie, like a football player.

“Ooomph,” said Ollie, laying on the ground.
The fairies tumbled underneath some bushes.
Ollie’s old owner put him in his own truck.

The fairies flew in beside Ollie.
 “Now, I’ll go home!” Ollie said.
“Great!” said Winkle.

But the farmer didn’t take Ollie to his old home.
He took him to his new home.
where a family of Big People waited.

Ollie was sad. “I’ll never get home.”
Winkles looked around at the beautiful meadow.
“Your new home might not be so bad, Ollie.”

“We had to move one time,” Doodles said.
Noodles said, “We left all of our friends.
“We left our pine tree and moved into a willow.”

“At first we were sad,” said Doodles.
“But there were a lot of good things about the new place.
And we made good friends, too, like Winkle.”

Other Ostriches from the farm came up to Ollie.
“Why did you jump the fence?” asked one.
“Don’t you know the road is dangerous?”

“I miss my old home and friends,” said Ollie.
“We’ll be your friends,” said one of the Ostriches.
“We have a nice meadow to run in and lots to eat.”

Just then children came to the fence.
“We’re glad you came back,” said the little girl.
“We missed you,” said the little boy.

Ollie smiled up at his three fairy friends.
“Thank you for helping me,” said Ollie.
“I think I’ll learn to like it here.”

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