Monday, March 4, 2019

New Year Poem

Goodbye 2018, Hello 2019

Goodbye 2018,
you were something like
a roller coaster ride.
If I were to plot you on a graph,
we’d start at the bottom
with two eye surgeries.

We’d then begin to go up
and another whoosh down
with the flu.
Then a bit of wavy line
up and down,
preparing for our trip.

Then four weeks up to the top of the chart
with the trip to Scotland and Ireland
being so wonderful.
Then a coming back to average
and a plunge down with cellulitis
and yet another deep dive with shoulder and arm pain.

Then a slow climb up in the fall and reaching up
but not quite as high as Europe,
with a trip to Las Vegas and Mesa.
I won’t forget the loopty-loops of losing Justin
and struggling with Loren’s health,
and the plodding parts of training with Adam.

Hello 2019,
I’m eager to see what you hold.
I make my plans, but the Lord directs my steps.
So, 2019, please obey the Lord to His honor and glory.

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