Scattered Alphabet Poem
A ctors pretend to present
something real.
B arnyard animals eat their
morning meal.
C radle babies and be happy their
D iamond-like light shines in
the morn.
E ntryway to Heaven is nearer
than you think.
F rogs search for flies then
hop into the drink.
G ranite is hard and more
useful than a gem.
H ope to heart is like flower
to stem.
I ncome must exceed outgo to
avoid trouble.
J oke around with friends for
laughter, double.
K iln burns hot to make ceramics
L amps light up the darkness
in the yard.
M ansions await for those who
N ovels express truth from the
story’s weave.
O pals cheer with their
beauty and grace.
P orches are places to slower
the pace.
Q uilts tell stories of families
long ago.
R hubarb is long, you can watch
it grow.
S tatues commemorate events
in the past.
T elevisions’s here to stay,
long it will last.
U mbrellas protect in the
falling rain.
V illages harbor families
from sickness and pain.
W agons rumble down the
beaten trails.
eXcitement fills the hills
and the dales.
Y ak meat’s hardy and
Z ealous children make Christmas
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