Friday, April 30, 2021

Poetic Asides/ Poetic Bloomings 4-2 active



Dead people aren’t supposed to be active.

No one told Jesus that.

If they did, He paid them no mind.


He had a bit of rebellious streak.

Against hypocrisy

Against the devil and evil

Against starvation and sickness

Against sin and death.


But not against God the Father.

He was completely obedient.

He said, “Not my will, but Yours be done.”


He went through the torture of the cross

with His eyes on the prize.

To sit at the right hand of the Father.

To be the way to the Father for us

that we may be cleansed and forgiven.


When we embrace Him as the way, the truth, the life, we rebel

Against hypocrisy

Against the devil and evil

Against starvation and sickness

Against sin and death.


As Paul wrote, “In Him, we live and move and have our being.”

That is how I want to be active.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Poetic Asides, Poetic Bloomings active 4-1

 The New Smoking


Sitting’s the new smoking, they say.

In that case, I smoke three packs a day.

That is, when I’m not walking, hiking,

cleaning, cooking, dancing, biking.

As I age, activity acts as my nicotine patch.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Poetic Asides/ Poetic Bloomings 3-3 communication

 Ears to Hear


In prayer, we practically talk off God’s ear

With our long list of things we want or need.

Our motives may be pure, or selfish greed.

But God says those who have ears, let them hear.

He has a lot to say it does appear.

It’s hard to grasp He wants to talk to us.

What topic would the Lord and we discuss?

And how do we know that our hearing’s clear?


His sheep know His voice through scripture and prayer.

They recognize that love is in His voice.

And who God is, the things He made declare.

To hear Him also is the hearer’s choice.

We must invite Him quietly to share.

And hearing Him is reason to rejoice.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Poetic Asides Poetic Bloomings 3-2 communication

 Some Friends of Mine


My ukulele speaks to me.                     

It calms me with its cheerful tone.     

It cheers me as I plunk out song.       

It stretches me so I can learn.              


My paintbrush also has its say.           

Invites me with its silent plea            

To many colors in its world.                  

It paints my heart as I discern.             


My laptop keyboard helps me see          

The world and people from my view,    

Brings out new thoughts surprisingly.  

It makes me feel like I belong.   


These friends live life most pleasantly.                    

And with their help I can’t go wrong.        

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Poetic Asides/ Poetic Bloomings 2-3 future

 God’s Presence


As we draw close to God in prayer

We’ll find that He is always there

And drawing closer to His child

We’ll sense a goodness that is rare


We may feel sinful, poor or wild

But know in Christ we’re reconciled

He promises a listening ear

Accepted, since He was reviled


Whatever happens year to year

There is no need to fret or fear

Aware of every pain and tear

His presence will be always near

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Poetic Asides/Poetic Blooming 2-2 Future



I’ll be a little better

than I was the day before

I’m a bit of a go-getter

But I don’t know what’s in store


I won’t be perfect but

I’ll be a little better

I’ll drop seeds into the rut

And make the dry spots wetter


Though I’m no pacesetter

Growth is my pursuit

I’ll be a little better

Someday I’ll see the fruit


To grow stronger and bolder

And to love, I’m a debtor

To grow wiser, though older

I’ll be a little better

Friday, April 23, 2021

Poetic Asides/ Poetic Bloomings 2-1 What does the future hold?

 Dreams and Goals


The future’s full of dreams and goals

The past holds less than the future does

Reality shoots dreams full of holes

The future’s full of dreams and goals

But we’re not in charge of the controls

Dreams can be all hype and buzz

The future’s full of dreams and goals

The past holds less than the future does

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Poetic Asides/ Poetic Bloomings 1-3 introduction



I’d like to introduce you to a friend

Who had no beginning or end

He’s the way, truth, and the life

He’s the rock, the vine and the light

He’s Immanuel (God with us)

He’s true, faithful and victorious

Prince of Peace, Almighty One

Supreme Creator, God’s own Son

He’s the shepherd, the door, the word

The prince of peace the savior of the world

The promised Messiah the sacrifice

The blessed redeemer, the living Christ

Lord of lords and King of kings

The one who of glorious angels sing

He’s the deliverer, the chief corner stone

The lover of our souls, the risen one.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Poetic Asides/ Poetic Bloomings 1-2 introduction

Connie Lee Shannon Peters


C reative, crafty, curious

O wner of two ukuleles

N urtures children

N urtures people with special needs

I nterested in many things

E nthusiastic soul


L ikes kayaking, hiking, electric biking

E li’s and Lori’s mom, Loren’s wife

E nergetic, or at least she wants to be


S imple faith in Jesus

H umor, honesty, hugs

A iming to be a light

N ow a writer

N ow an artist

O pen to new adventures

N ow a musician


P ennsylania native, now lives in Colorado

E nds the night in prayer

T ravels as much as possible

E ternity dangles like a carrot

R eads to refuel

S teadfast 

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Poetic Asides/Poetic Bloomings 1-1 introduction

 Introduced to a New Feeling


I met an old friend of the family

at another friend’s yardsale.

He put his hand on my shoulder,

looked me in the eye and said,

“I’m sorry.” “What for?” I asked.

I couldn’t imagine what he had done

since I hadn’t seen him for months.

“Your husband’s passing,” he said.

“He didn’t” I said. “He’s still alive.”

He was glad to get that straightened out.

And I was introduced to the feeling

of receiving sympathy for a new widow.

Monday, April 19, 2021

Poetic Asides Countdown 1-3 warm up

 No More Cold


The birthplace of our  first child was in Craig, Colorado. December 28, 1981, at sixteen below and then it got colder. For weeks on end it was forty below. One day, I remember calling my mom in Pennsylvania and I told her, “It’s eighteen degrees and it feels warm.” The next year we moved south, still in Colorado, but it never gets below zero.


I hope in Heaven

It stays in the seventies

Leave the cold behind

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Poetic Asides Countdown 1-2 warm up



We gather together

in the name of Jesus

lifting voices and hands in praise

to our loving Heavenly Father.

We smile at each other,

knowing this is just the warmup.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Poetic Asides Countdown 1-1 warm up

 Colorado Springs


Colorado springs can drive you insane.

You think it’s warming up—then snow!

I love Colorado, except for this bane.

Colorado springs can drive you insane.

Every year, I’m inclined to complain.

I dream of warm places where I want to go.

Colorado springs can drive you insane.

You think it’s warming up—then snow!

Friday, April 16, 2021

Poetic Asides Contdown 2-3 Almost

 Almost There


Are we there yet? I wish I had a dollar for every time my parents heard that from their five daughters when on vacation. And that was just for short trips, usually one to two hours, six or seven at most. They’d say, “We’re almost there.” Then I grew up, moved 2,000 miles away from home. When we took the kids on vacation to see grandparents, we had two or three days of driving. I learned from my parents. “Almost there,” just invites more questions. So we got in the car and said, “We’re going to drive, and drive, and drive, and drive, and drive, and drive and drive. Then we’ll go to the bathroom and get gas and drive, and drive, and drive some more. When we said we’re almost there, it was usually when we entered the road on which their grandparents lived.


How much longer, Lord?

We have lived and lived and lived

Are we almost there?  

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Poetic Asides Countdown 2-2 Almost

 Almost Defeated


Lord, I took a few hits today.

Jabs, insults, fears, failures

I’m glad You don’t expect perfection.

I’m just to trust You.

You’re in my corner.

The devil’s already lost.

So I’m getting out there again.

With You, I can take it.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Poetic Asides Countdown 2-1 Almost

 I Almost Didn’t Write this Poem


I almost didn’t write this poem

Because I have too much to do.

But it only takes a few more words

Until this poem is through.


Okay, then, I’ll try a second verse

But there’s not much to write about.

I could regale you with my t0-do list

But I’d bore you without a doubt.


Oh, me, on to verse number three

Now, I’m really in a pickle.

Not so sure what I can add,

By now I’m feeling fickle.


So, surely, I’m almost done

With this  little rhyme.

I’d go on to verse five

But I’m really out of time.




Tuesday, April 13, 2021

A prayer



Walking in the park

Would be boring

But You keep me company as I make my rounds

As I thank You for the beautiful world You made

You know me and love me more than anyone here on earth

Thank You that I am not alone when I go

Walking in the park

Monday, April 12, 2021

Travel Acrostic



I dream of going to Italy

T ouring Tuscany by bicycle

A mbling along the paths of Cinque Terre

L eisurely riding in a Venetian gondola by moonlight

Y ielding to tempting tagliatelle, tortellini, and tiramisu  

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Poetic Asides Countdown 3-1


The Great Divide


I say all those things

I think I should have said

only to find I really

shouldn’t have said them

and the great divide

gets greater still

until, I fear,

it might swallow us whole.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Poetic Asides Countdown 4-2 universal


The universe

Stars, planets, galaxies

There may have been a big bang

When God spoke.

Friday, April 9, 2021

Poetic Asides/ Poetic Bloomings Wait

 Ways to Wait


All people wait in different ways

A mom-to-be has busy days

The prep for baby fills her plate

In different ways, all people wait


Some sit and wait like for a bus

They bide their time or may discuss

Whether or not the bus is late

Like for a bus, some sit and wait


A waiter waits alert to serve

He meets the needs with strength and nerve

He perseveres as job dictates

Alert to serve, a waiter waits


But some forget that they’re to wait

They fuss and fume, scold and berate

They blame and take and fight and fret  

Yes, they’re to wait, but some forget

Poetic Asides Countdown 4-1 universal

 Emotions may be a universal language,

but the most difficult to interpret

are your own.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Poetic Bloomings volunteer

 All it requires to volunteer

is for everyone else

to take a step backwards.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Poetic Asides Countdown 5-3 MacGuffin



M any goals become MacGuffins

A s they set you about on your journey,  

C hasing your dreams, only to find yourself

G oing in the opposite direction. However, your

U nderstanding increases of who you are. You

F ind out what your really want and may never

F inish what you started, but pursue something else

I nstead. What you once thought as imperative may be

N egligible, and only significant as your inciting incident.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Poetic Asides Countdown 5-2 MacGuffin

 Travel MacGuffins


Monuments and attractions

can disappoint if you don’t appreciate

the people, the events, the journey.

Monday, April 5, 2021

Poetic Asides Countdown 5-1 MacGuffin


My MacGuffin


Has losing weight become my MacGuffin—

something to incite me to exercise, eat right,

commiserate with friends while we walk

a thousand times around the city park

with not one ounce slipping from my stubborn body?

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Poetic Asides Countdown 6-3 invention


The Thinker


One night my son had a headache

and sat down and figured out how to

multiply large numbers using

the binary system and a deck of cards.

All I can do when I have a headache

is take a couple aspirins and go to bed.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Poetic Asides Countdown 6-2, invention



Before Swiss Miss or others

came out with hot chocolate mix

my mom mixed together powered milk,

cocoa and sugar, calling it “quickie cocoa.”


Some ideas like shower singers

remain unknown till someone

puts in the time and effort

to share them with the world.

Friday, April 2, 2021

Poetic Asides Countdown 6-1 invention

 Necessity’s Mother


Some say necessity is the mother of invention.

It works the other way around, too.

Invention is the mother of necessity.

Have a boat, need a boat trailer,

life jackets, seat covers, anchors.

Have a car, need tire pump, phone mount

windshield sun shade, dash camera, car polish

Have a swimming pool, need pool cleaners,

pool cover, pool toys, pool deck, pool chairs

In other words, junk begets junk.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Poetic Asides Countdown 7-3 Changed Song Title

 Amazing Place


Castles and cobblestones

Rock walls and green meadows

Bright yellow gorse along narrow roads

The wailing of bagpipes, shaggy highland cows

Lochs and rivers, gems made of heather

Ancient Cairns, statues and abbey ruins

Scotland—an amazing place!


(from Amazing Grace)