Monday, May 31, 2021

Poetic Asides/ Poetic Bloomings 14-1 in the moment


Behind the Hand


I approach God

like that little black squirrel

nibbling peanuts from a man’s hand.


Then freezing stock still

as if to ask, Am I supposed to do this?

Is that big man behind the handful of peanuts safe?


The squirrel decides,

he means no harm.

He nibbles some more.


And I remind myself God intends good for me.

And I am grateful for family, friends, food

and all the things He provides.


I close my eyes.



Sunday, May 30, 2021

Poetic Asides/ Poetic Bloomings 13-3 lucky unlucky


Good Luck


G ood luck, I wish you well, a world

O pen to your dreams and puts you

O n top. Good luck, I wish you well,

D espite the downers of life. Good


L uck, I wish you well. I wish you

U nderstanding, wisdom, hope

C reativity, adventure, joy and

K indness. Good luck, I wish you well.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Poetic Asides/ Poetic Bloomings 13-2 luck/unlucky

 Jack and the Duck Feather


The huckster knew how to beguile.

“You need this charm to go the mile.

It brings the owner brilliant luck!”                             

He held a feather of a duck, and smiled a smile.


“If you have problems you can’t fix,

Just wave the feather at the mix.

But at this price you need to act.

It’s worth a lot and that’s a fact,” he plied his tricks.


So Jack who bought the magic beans

And won the lifestyle of his dreams,

He paid high price for feather charm.

He was rich, it would do no harm, or so it seems.


When Jack’s wife learned what he had bought,

 A drawn out speech was what he got.

He listened to her monologue.

Then had to sleep with his old dog, out on a cot.


He waved the feather with a spiel,

But bad luck, it did not repeal.

He apologized to his wife,

Then went on with his lucky life, despite the deal.


With a duck feather he was stuck,

 As sure as shoes in swampy muck.

He learned that when the salesmen come,

That you win some and you lose some, and such is luck.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Poetic Asides awdl gywydd


An Invitation


What a fine invitation

From the one almighty God

To ask, seek and knock each day

To meet as we pray, though flawed.

Poetic Asides/ Poetic Bloomings 13-1 lucky/unlucky



Before my husband and I were married,

he bunked with a Mexican man

named Otullio Lucero,

who owned a small RV.

He went by “Lucky”.


Every morning, before Lucky got out of bed,

he would reach over, pour himself a cup of coffee,

open the refrigerator, grab a jalapeno pepper

and take a bite and a swig of his coffee.

He never got heartburn.


Maybe that’s why they called him Lucky.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Poetic Asides/Poetic Bloomings 12-3 wordle

 In Like a Lion


The season entered in a rush

Wind raced along with a great groan

It played about and wouldn’t shush

Conviction seemed to drive it on

Its voice persistent until dawn

It ended rage with a long sigh

And peaceful, then, with one last yawn

The morning world looked all awry

The yard a mess with limbs and brush

So spring began, then came the sun

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Poetic Asides/ Poetic Blooming 12-2 wordle


They went to the play by choice

The great actor lost his voice

From the pathetic applause 

They had no cause to rejoice

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Poetic Asides/ Poetic Bloomings 12-1 wordle

Colorado Mountains


Great heights

Treeless tops

Rugged presence

Usually capped with snow




Mounting snow

Dark clouds hover

Ominous icy roads

Drop offs




Racing rivers

Silver streak waterfalls




Wild flowers

Happy season

Lakes beckon us to play

Blue sky



Color drives

Aspens, scrub oak, pines

Nature’s artistic voice


Monday, May 24, 2021

Poetic Asides/ Poetic Bloomings 11-3 Prime Numbers


Three Rhymes


My muse has gone away

I hoped that it would stay a while

With its poetic style

It brings about a smile in time

And helps me make a rhyme

A muse can be sublime or not

Today my muse forgot

But I will take a shot at this

I think that I will miss

Now, it’s time to kiss good bye.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Poetic Asides/ Poetic Bloomings 11-2 Prime numbers

 Inspired by Psalm 17


The devil roars since time began

Looking for ways to destroy man

We are too weak to end his plan

But the Lord can, But the Lord can


We are the apple of God’s eye

He hears our prayer and anguished cry

And under His wings we can hide

Yes, He is nigh, Yes, He is nigh


In Jesus, we receive His grace

With all our heart, we seek His face

Someday we’ll go to His own place

He sets the pace, He sets the pace

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Poetic Asides/ Poetic Bloomings 11-1 Prime numbers


Inspired by Psalm 89


I will exalt Your name with songs

And my stringed instrument

Declaring Your great faithfulness

It’s my sincere intent


To children and grandchildren say,

“In all the earth and sky,

There’s no one greater than the, Lord”

I lift Your name on high.


You own the Heavens and the Earth

You calm the raging sea.

You just say, “Peace be still.”

And You do that in me


Creation shouts Your attributes

Your glory and Your love

I’ll sing Your mercy and Your grace

And kindness from above




Friday, May 21, 2021

Poetic Asides/ Poetic Bloomings 10-3 Get blank

 Get Green


Get green, stubborn tree in spring.

Each year I pray you’ll get green.

Trees around green up early,

You’re always late.

Still winter-looking.


I do not want you to die.

You shade our house in summer.

Please, liven up!

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Poetic Asides/ Poetic Bloomings 10-2 Get blank

 Get Real, Not Fake

Get real

Not synthetic

Fake may last outwardly

But real marks us internally

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Poetic Asides/ Poetic Bloomings 10-1 Get blank

 Get Saved Stuff Out of the Garage 


A mass of boxes in the garage, looking like the Wall of China

B oxes of stuff accumulated over the years

C ollected for some unknown reason, or more like a million unknown reasons

D eposited in our garage where our car should reside. Sports

E quipment from days gone by, computer paraphernalia, tools, ad infinitum

F orgotten and stashed away, waiting for the day that

G radually moves down the to-do list waiting for the perfect time

H oarded—should I dare say that? Surely I’m not a hoarder?

I don’t consider myself such, I’ll blame my husband.  It may be

J unk, but it’s good junk. We might need it someday. Stuff

K ept for that “someday” rarely makes an appearance when you need it.

L ater. It’s all waiting for later. No

M atter what is going on in our lives, later is always later.

N ow, can we get to all those saved things and unsave them?  We’re thankful to be home

O wners. But our settling in has left us with this unsettled  

P lace. It’s up to me. It’s

Q uite a mess and haunting me like a ghost. I

R eally made some first attempts. It’s like the

S ituation with my crawl space.

T aking time to clean out

U nder the house seemed like an impossibility, till we went on

V acation and the washing machine hose broke and

W ater flooded the crawl space ruining most of what was stored. I half

eX pect something bad to happen to the garage if I don’t do something soon. This

Y ear I’m determined to get that saved stuff out of the garage with some

Z eal, vim and vigor.


Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Poetic Asides/ Poetic Bloomings 9-3 persona of an object


Red, Rubber Ball

Oh, you may think I’m just a child’s play thing.

You see me bouncing ‘round and having fun.

From floor, to wall, or ceiling like a spring.

A thwack, a bop, a wallop, hear me sing!

I keep those little children on the run.

Yes, hear them laugh as they toss me about.

They learn to catch and throw and so take wing.

Oh, watch them scramble after me and shout.

I’m glad that I am flexible and stout.

I’m worth my weight in gold, without a doubt.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Poetic Asides/ Poetic Bloomings metaphor 8-3

 Strokes are Despicable Thieves


Strokes stole from my husband and me.

They robbed him of his deep singing voice

and his clarity when he speaks.


They took his ability to swallow

which makes our meals silent

as he concentrates on eating without choking.


They walked away with his ability to walk.

Sometimes when he’s using his walker

he’ll stand and hug me while I hold him up.


They pilfered his pride from his employment.

Thieves often break things when they

do their dastardly deeds.


They broke my husband’s brain

and “emotional thermostat,”

making him laugh and cry a lot.


But like a common thief can target electronics

and overlook priceless heirlooms, they failed

to take his sense of humor, faith, love and hope.





Friday, May 14, 2021

Poetic Asides/ Poetic Bloomings 8-2 metaphonr

 Fruit of the Spirit


Love is a mother hen

Standing in the rain

With wings over her chicks

Pecking at them when they misbehave


Joy is a deep well

With happiness on the surface

But the live-giving water

Springs from the deepest part


Peace is a foundation

Supporting the building

Standing through storms

Strong and unshakeable


Patience is a good fishing reel

Bringing in the fish

No matter how long it takes

Without falling apart


Kindness is a butterfly

Cheering people

Making them feel special

Flitting happily about


Goodness is a bar of soap

Fragrant and cleansing

Pleasing to the senses

Destroying contaminants


Faithfulness is the sun

Still shining even when

Obscured by clouds

Giving light and life


Gentleness is a muscle man

strong enough to lift a piano

and sit it down without breaking it

or making it go out of tune.


Self-control is a hall monitor

Telling the children to slow down

Even when every fiber of their being

Wants to race and get there first

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Poetice Asides/ Poetic Bloomings 8-1 metaphor

 Easter Egg Hunt


Growing up in a country neighborhood,

surrounded by relatives and close friends,

we had an Easter Egg Hunt every Easter.

Often we were dressed in our Sunday best.

The parents and “big kids” hid the eggs.

We scurried all over the large yard

which held many excellent hiding places.


Eggs in branches where we had to stretch.

Eggs under pines where we had to crawl.

Eggs in tractor tires used for flower beds.

Eggs under the edges of the old water pump.

Eggs in the hay barn and tool shed.

Eggs under the picnic table or wooden chairs.

Eggs everywhere we looked, but often found

neglected ones days later that we had missed.


Life with the Lord is an Easter Egg hunt.

Our loving Heavenly Father often hides blessings.

Blessings we stretch for, blessing amidst the prickly branches.

Blessings in the tractor tires and tool shed of work

Blessings in beauty, blessings to give to others,

Blessing in shared meals and conversation.

Blessings everywhere, but some we overlook.

So we put on our Sunday best and eagerly search.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Poetic Asides/ Poetic Bloomings 7-5 villain



V icious people may have a charming side

I inclined to put on a front

L eering and sneering behind your back

L aughing at the downfall of others

A busing the power and authority they have

I ndignant at the success of their enemies

N urturing their greed with costly pleasures

S urrounded by those who serve with fear

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Poetic Asides /Poetic Bloomings villain 7-4


Villains of the Bible


Satan who considered himself above God

Egyptians who chased the Israelites down and drowned in the Red Sea

The Babylonian leaders who had Daniel thrown into the lion’s den.

And others who had the three tossed into a fire

Balamm halted by a talking donkey to avoid a curse for Israel

Haaman who designed to kill the Jews, but Esther stopped him.

Sanballat who hindered Nehemia’s wall-building

King Herod who murdered children to kill Jesus

Judas who betrayed Jesus.

Hypocritical Jewish leaders who did kill Jesus

Jezebel who tried to end Elijah

Religious Jews who stoned Steven

There will always be villains

who stand against God and his people,

but think they are doing what’s right.

Monday, May 10, 2021

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Poetic Asides/ Poetic Bloomings 7-2 villain



Out for themselves

Convinced they have the right

To perform their villainous acts

But wrong

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Poetic Asides/ Poetic Bloomings 7-1 Villain




V ictorious at the expense of others

I llicit behavior, public or hidden

L eering, sneering, smirking, ogling

L amenting losses caused by heroes’ strengths

A busive, atrocious, apathetic

I nfamous, repugnant, repulsive

N otorious for heartless attacks

Friday, May 7, 2021

Poetic Asides/ Poetic Bloomings 6-3



C hange encourages progress

H arangues at weak spots  

A dvises to move forward

N urtures toward growth

G rabs attention

E ntices to live an extraordinary life

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Poetic Asides / Poetic Bloomings 6-2 Change



Changes creep or soar

Are quiet or roar

But one things for sure, things change

Are happy or sad

They are good or bad

Just wait, and things rearrange


Can be exciting

Fun and inviting

Or challenge you to the core

Can be intriguing

Zagging and zigging

And changes can be much more


Life would be boring

And set you to snoring

If it remained all the same

Changes can be trying

Though no denying

Stagnation would be a shame


Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Poetic Asides/ Poetic Blooming 6-1 Change

 Changes to the Neighborhood


We’ve lived in our little house

 in a small town for twenty-two years

in a relatively quiet neighborhood,

except when soccer teams played

 at the old abandoned school across the street.


Our lady in a wheelchair, who we used to care for,

 liked to sit on the porch and cheer

for whoever made a goal, whichever team.

 Then we got the unwelcome news—

developers purchased the old school and field.


It would be turned into an apartment complex.

Our lady wouldn’t be able to enjoy the games,

but sadly she passed before the project got going.

But now an army of construction workers

descended on the old school property.


I walk by where there are high piles of dirt

and large square patches dug out.

Tall beautiful trees lie dead on the ground.

A contingent of yellow-vested men work

on the school roof or run roaring heavy equipment.


I can picture what it will be like

with the apartment complex full like a beehive

and cars buzzing around onto our quiet street.

I don’t think I’m going to like the change,

but as with any change, I’ll learn to adjust.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Poetic Asides/ Poetic Bloomings 5-3 The First

First Kiss

There’s some confusion about our first kiss.

We both remember where we were that day.

But things get jumbled when we reminisce.

“You kissed me first,” he’ll consistently say.

“No, It was you who kissed me,” I’ll replay.

One night, he proposed, but without a ring.

He says New Year’s and I say Thanksgiving.

So who kissed who, we do not really know.

And when we agreed to marry, same thing.

We’ve been hitched forty-one years, even though.

Monday, May 3, 2021

Poetic Asides Poetic Bloomings 5-2 The First...

 The First Time Poetry Won Out


I started writing almost 40 years ago,

beginning with short stories for kids

and then novels for teens and adults.


I continued to write all types of prose

for the next twenty years, all the while,

shunning any temptation to write poems.


However, they’d pop out uninvited

and I’d stuff them into an envelope

marked poems and forgot about them.


At a writers retreat I was asked to read.

I didn’t know what part of a novel would do,

so I just read one of my finished poems.


The audience’s expressions showed me

my poem had spoken in a way prose could not.

I got out that old envelope of poetry hodge-podge.


I spent the next several months on a booklet.

I realized writing poems was like photography,

taking word pictures of anything and everything.


That’s how poetry won out.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Poetic Asides/ Poetic Bloomings 5-1 First ...

 First Day of Vacation


The packing

The driving

The eating

The greeting

The wishing

that it won’t

go speeding by,

but it always does.

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Poetic Asides, Poetic Blooming 4-3 active


There once was king who was keen

On a gal he wanted as queen

He turned on his charm

Which caused her alarm

And that was the last she was seen