Saturday, May 15, 2021

Poetic Asides/ Poetic Bloomings metaphor 8-3

 Strokes are Despicable Thieves


Strokes stole from my husband and me.

They robbed him of his deep singing voice

and his clarity when he speaks.


They took his ability to swallow

which makes our meals silent

as he concentrates on eating without choking.


They walked away with his ability to walk.

Sometimes when he’s using his walker

he’ll stand and hug me while I hold him up.


They pilfered his pride from his employment.

Thieves often break things when they

do their dastardly deeds.


They broke my husband’s brain

and “emotional thermostat,”

making him laugh and cry a lot.


But like a common thief can target electronics

and overlook priceless heirlooms, they failed

to take his sense of humor, faith, love and hope.





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