Friday, May 14, 2021

Poetic Asides/ Poetic Bloomings 8-2 metaphonr

 Fruit of the Spirit


Love is a mother hen

Standing in the rain

With wings over her chicks

Pecking at them when they misbehave


Joy is a deep well

With happiness on the surface

But the live-giving water

Springs from the deepest part


Peace is a foundation

Supporting the building

Standing through storms

Strong and unshakeable


Patience is a good fishing reel

Bringing in the fish

No matter how long it takes

Without falling apart


Kindness is a butterfly

Cheering people

Making them feel special

Flitting happily about


Goodness is a bar of soap

Fragrant and cleansing

Pleasing to the senses

Destroying contaminants


Faithfulness is the sun

Still shining even when

Obscured by clouds

Giving light and life


Gentleness is a muscle man

strong enough to lift a piano

and sit it down without breaking it

or making it go out of tune.


Self-control is a hall monitor

Telling the children to slow down

Even when every fiber of their being

Wants to race and get there first

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