Saturday, April 30, 2022

Breaking April 2022 PAD Challenge 9-3


Breaking Tension


Slamming cupboard doors

Clanking silverware

Stomping feet

Breaking wind

broke the tension

Friday, April 29, 2022

Breaking April 2022 PAD Challenge 9-2

 Breaking Waves


I’ve been wading on the water’s edge

or sitting in my beach chair

watching breaking waves

for almost two weeks.


It’s been thirty years

since I rode in on a boogie board

or bobbed in the waves

as they came in.


In thirty years, I’ve heard many tales

of being swept away by riptides,

attacked and eaten by sharks

or simply drowning.


Yesterday, I made it out to my hips

I have two more days

to bob in the waves.

Will I?

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Breaking April 2022 PAD Challenge 9-1


Stepping on Cracks


“Don’t step on the crack or you’ll break your mama’s back.”


A game a child plays

being careful to avoid

cracks in the sidewalk


Avoiding Mama

Not giving her time of day

Breaks your mama’s heart

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

They Never Said, April 2022 PAD Challenge 8-3



Don’t do drugs, smoke or drink, they said.

But they never mentioned

that cakes, cookies and icecream

can be just as addicting.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

They never said April 2022 PAD Challenge 8-2

 Ever After


Happily ever after, they said.

But they never mentioned

that Prince Charming

turns back into a frog

or that Cinderella

loses more than glass slippers.

Monday, April 25, 2022

they never said, April 2022 PAD challenge 8-1



The Gulf is nicer, they said.

The waves are calmer.

The weather, better.

The water warmer.

So Sis and I drove four hours to the Gulf.

The waves were rougher.

The wind stronger.

The water colder.

And they never mentioned

the abundance of seaweed.

After three hours, we were ready to drive back.

The beach was beautiful with its white sand,

but we liked the beaches at St. Augustine better.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

abundance April PAD challenge 7-3

 The Abundance of Questions


My three-year-old great-niece asks,

“What makes the lights turn on?”

“Why is the sky blue?”

“Where is the airplane going?”

“Why does the car make noise?”

“What is that lady doing?”

“Can I wear my new shirt?”

“Why is your hair messy?”

“Why is peanut butter sticky?”

“Do I have to brush my teeth?”

“Where does rain come from?”

But when you ask her something,

she says, “You tell me.”

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Abundance April PAD Challenge 7-2


Abundance of Storms


Many years ago, my uncle was taking a shower when he was struck by lightning. It went down the pipes through the showerhead and him and out his washcloth. He was fine, but now forty years later, I sit in my Florida rental waiting for the storms to stop so I can take a shower. At least the tornado warning came to nothing.


Showers coming down

Lightning flashes, thunder growls

No shower for me

Friday, April 22, 2022

abundance April 2022 PAD Challenge 7-1


Abundant Treasure


Better is the little that the righteous has than the abundance of many wicked. Psalm 37:16


Treasure’s found in little things

Like rain drops from the sky

In mornings when the black bird sing

And strength when sun is high


A smile upon a baby’s face

Laughter through the pain

A sunset is the evening’s grace

A walk down a shaded lane


A place to come home to

Good food that you eat

Clothes to keep you warm

And peace upon your street


The body and its working parts

The ability to walk and run

Those time of needed rest

And times of joy and fun


Treasures found in little things.

Yes, I know it’s true.

And the greatest treasure of all

Is knowing and loving You.


Thursday, April 21, 2022

The blank in the Blank April 2022 PAD 6-3


The Alligators in the Sun


Alligators in the sun look like logs

Even so, they intimidate

Watch out for your cats and dogs

Alligators in the sun look like logs

Laying low in swamps and bogs

Lazy, especially after they ate

Alligators in the sun look like logs

Even so, they intimidate

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

The blank in the Blank April PAD 6-2


The Rain in the Clouds


Sand dunes with tall grasses

Coarse sand

Large rocks

Fine wet sand

Sea shells scattered about

Frothy whooshing greenish silver water

Grayish blue sky with muted clouds


A distant rumble

Better head home 

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

The blank in the blank April 2022 PAD 6-1


The Kids in the Ocean





Boogie boarding

Wearing water wings

Lying on their bellies

Running to and from waves

Riding waves while clinging to dad

Playing with shovels and sand buckets.

Dangling from Mom’s arms, dipping in their toes

Monday, April 18, 2022

sense/nonsense 2022 April PAD Challenge 5-3

 Sense of Taste


When trying to lose weight,

devouring a large caramel chocolate

ice cream waffle cone for supper

doesn’t make sense,

but it sure satisfied deliciously 

on a hot day in Florida!

Sunday, April 17, 2022

sense/nonsense 2022 April PAD Challenge 5-2


Uncommon Sense


A man healed the sick, raised the dead,

delivered the demon possessed

and taught with authority.

He was executed and came back to life.

He fulfilled over three-hundred prophecies.

His predictions, made over two thousand years ago,

read like the morning news.

It makes sense to follow Him.

Saturday, April 16, 2022

sense/nonsense 2022 April PAD Challnege 5-1


Directionally Challenged


Drop two directionally-challenged sisters

into a new city with no map and

a hit-and-miss GPS, nothing makes sense.


Why are we going around in circles?

Why do we always turn the wrong way

at this particular intersection?

Why is the traffic circle not a circle?

Why is the ocean over there,

when it was across the street yesterday?


Drop two directionally-challenged sisters

into a new city and nothing makes sense.

Friday, April 15, 2022

catch up April challenge 4-3


Friends Catching Up


“Let’s catch up,” she said.

It took us a year before we sat

at McDonald’s for two hours

talking, sipping hot chocolate.

Duty called.

And we’re still not caught up.

Will we wait another year?

Thursday, April 14, 2022

catch up April PAD Challenge 4-2


Like Toddlers


Catching up on projects

is like corralling toddlers.

While working with one

the other lags behind.

Then throw in vacation

along a sandy beach

and those little toddlers

run every which way.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Catch up April PAD 4-1




We walk barefoot along ocean’s edge.

I let the water cool my burnt ankles

as my mind drifts out to sea

and I adore the steely blues sky with fluffy clouds,

the horizon where the ocean seemingly stops,

but you know it goes on and on,

kind of like life after death.

The sounds of children playing,

happy dogs barking and the whoosh of the waves.

I turn around and wait for Sis to catch up.

Then I tramp on and on

adoring the ocean and its Creator.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

smell April PAD challenge 3-3


Boat Tour in St. Augustine


The fishy smell stimulated the senses

as we watched pelicans come in

for an awkward landing on the dock.

Our feet clanked on the metal ramp

as we boarded the pontoon boat.


We sat on cushy vinyl seats

and listened to the tanned young man

with blond dreadlocks piled on his head.

To the tune of the motor and sea gulls,

he told us about dolphins and cormorants.


We watched as dolphins “kerplunked”

(slapped the water with their flukes)

stunning fish or guarding territory.

A black cormorant posed on a pole in such a way

that we could see the double crest on its head.


At tour’s end, cool rain sprinkled on our skin.

In a seaside café’ we were seated by windows

where boats bobbed through watery, wavy lines.

Smells of baked fresh fish accentuated our hunger.

A perfect and memorable morning.

Monday, April 11, 2022

smell April Challenge 3-2


Ocean sun targeted our light skin.

We slathered on sweet-smelling sunblock.

Delighted in the heady smell of the waves.

Vacation can be a tightrope walk

of absorbing adventure and fun

while trying to stay healthy and whole.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Poetic Bloomings beginning, smell Poetic Asides Challenge 3-1


Staying Wild


Breathing in fresh ocean air

The beginning of my vacation

Feeling alive



By mistake, I bought a tee-shirt

“Stay Wild Ocean Child”

I think I’ll keep it.

Saturday, April 9, 2022

second chance April PAD challenge 2-3





Head bowed


in hand



A warm smile

Grace and forgiveness


Friday, April 8, 2022

Thursday, April 7, 2022

second chance April PAD challenge 2-1

 The Sandpiper


I wish I had a second chance

after wading in the ocean,

forgetting to reapply sunblock.

Now, with burnt ankles

I feel like that sandpiper I saw.

It appeared to only have one leg.

I pointed it out to a photographer.

He laughed and said they do that

and hop around to elicit sympathy

from its fellow sandpipers.

Sure enough, as I watched,

the little fellow’s other leg materialized. 

An article says that they do that

to minimize heat loss,

but I’ll go about the rest of my vacay

on two perfectly good legs,

no sympathy required.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

F April PAD challenge 1-3



An appetite

A storm

A tiger

A war

A mother

protecting her children.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

F April PAD Challenge 1-2



Stepping out

not knowing

the next step.

Going forth

despite fear.

Daring to live

until death.

Placing confidence

in the unseen,

like an eagle

catches a current

and soars.

Monday, April 4, 2022

F April PAD 1-1




Here I am in Florida

enjoying weather in the 70s

while my friend back home

in Colorado takes care

of her two alpaca ranches

in the abundant spring snow.


But I won’t begrudge myself,

I’ll just have some family fun

taking walks along the beach,

hiking the forests and estuaries

and touring St. Augustine,

the oldest city in the U. S.


My sis and I do a little self-care,

taking a break from care-giving

of our disabled husbands,

while trying not to feel like

typical snow-birds in our sixties.

But here we go in our sun hats.

Sunday, April 3, 2022

astrology Poetic Asides




Lovely name

for the beautiful place

I’m renting

in Florida

for two weeks.


As the moon does its dance

across the sky

affecting the sea

may this vacation

do a song and dance

in my sister and me.

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Gift Poetic Bloomings

 Shared Comfort


I visited a church one day,

And met a recent widow there.

At first, we had few words to say.


We talked about photography.

And then she told me of her pain.

Her loneliness was clear to see,

Except for You who keeps her sane.


She helps lead worship there at church,

Her voice melodic, true and sweet,

Assisting others in their search.


I’m grateful to You Lord and King

For being big enough to care,

Our hope in times of suffering.

You give us comfort we can share.

Friday, April 1, 2022

gift Poetic Bloomings


People, Places and Weather


I’m in a large building, kind of cold, but warmer than upstairs where we slept last night.  It’s an old church camp, a mixture of the broken down, and the newly restored.  My niece, employed and living at the camp in northern Nebraska, just left with a crockpot of chicken and rice she made for church. My other niece, visiting from Ireland, works with her new Irish husband in the kitchen operating the commercial dishwasher. My sister, upstairs, tries to coax enough hot water out to have a bath. We stayed up late last night, having a good time, playing games. What poultry doesn’t lay eggs? I had them stumped until they finally guessed rooster. We had a good laugh. We just devoured a delicious breakfast of scrambled eggs with cheese, bacon, potatoes, English muffins, orange juice and mint tea prepared in a large kitchen filled with shiny stainless-steel appliances and food-prep tables. We’ll be getting ready for church in a little bit. We’ll meet my niece at a bridge where they fasten locks and make wishes, actually in South Dakota, being close to the border. I’ve been on this trip for two weeks now, seeing son and daughter in Mesa, where I left my husband in their care, visiting all four of my sisters, nieces, nephews, great nieces and great nephew in Lincoln and Adams Nebraska. Now four of us temporarily reside at this camp. The day after tomorrow, Lord willing, another sis and I will fly to Florida. I’m looking forward to some sunshine after the rain, snow, sleet and wind we’ve experienced here.


They’re all precious gifts

People, places and weather

And times together