Tuesday, April 12, 2022

smell April PAD challenge 3-3


Boat Tour in St. Augustine


The fishy smell stimulated the senses

as we watched pelicans come in

for an awkward landing on the dock.

Our feet clanked on the metal ramp

as we boarded the pontoon boat.


We sat on cushy vinyl seats

and listened to the tanned young man

with blond dreadlocks piled on his head.

To the tune of the motor and sea gulls,

he told us about dolphins and cormorants.


We watched as dolphins “kerplunked”

(slapped the water with their flukes)

stunning fish or guarding territory.

A black cormorant posed on a pole in such a way

that we could see the double crest on its head.


At tour’s end, cool rain sprinkled on our skin.

In a seaside café’ we were seated by windows

where boats bobbed through watery, wavy lines.

Smells of baked fresh fish accentuated our hunger.

A perfect and memorable morning.

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