Friday, March 22, 2024

free verse

 Am I a Musician?


I always wanted to be a musician.

I tried playing the guitar a few times

first with my Uncle Jim,

but he ran off with a married woman.


My second try was lessons

from my college roommate.

I was too busy to stick with it.


I married a guitarist

and tried to learn from him.

That attempt also went by the wayside.

I thought being married to a musician

would have to be close enough.


Despite the reputation Tiny Tim

gave the ukulele, when I went to Hawaii

I was inspired to get a uke.

And when one trip to my daughter’s

I left it in Mesa, I bought another one,

a pineapple-shaped beauty.


Now, almost seven years after Hawaii,

I can play Itsy Bitsy Spider,

Happy Birthday and Amazing Grace.

So I suppose, you can say,

with some stretch of the imagination,

I’m a musician.

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