Sunday, July 7, 2024

I am Poetic Bloomings

Life’s Jigsaw Puzzle


Pennsylvania trees and hills

Country neighborhood of mostly relatives

Four sisters, lots of cousins

Pretending the old shows Cinderella,

Gilligan’s Island, Man from Uncles, Batman

Creating games, crafting dolls, playing croquet

Shannon Creek Park, The Sunflower club

Heavy winters with sled-riding,

Sliding around on frozen ponds,

In dowdy rubber boots, calling it ice-skating.

Making snow angels, springs greening up,

The smell of lilacs and apple blossoms

Popping touch-me-nots, making forts in the woods,

Splashing in cold creek water

Beautiful autumns of oranges, reds, golds

Helping Dad bring in the potatoes

And Mom hanging up clothes on the line.

Painting and cleaning house for Pappap.

Mowing large yards with push mowers.

Catching, raking and jumping in leaves.

Eating venison, rabbit, squirrel,

Home-made jelly, canned goods from the garden

The boy next door from worst enemy,

To first kiss, to good friends.

A tall skinny preacher introducing Jesus,

Beginning a church from a bunch of teens.

Singing in a traveling choir.

Four years going steady,  

Surviving a guy with a heavy foot,

Speeding down curvy roads at 110.

College, dating others.

Wyoming, meeting hubby

Living in Nebraska

Marriage, kids, moving, traveling,

Settling and building a house in Colorado

Kayaking, hiking, biking,

Canasta, Scrabble, Splendor

Writing, poeming, writers’ groups

Learning to draw and paint,

And play the ukulele.

Friends, family, church

Caregiving special people

And stroke-survivor hubby.

A series of odd jobs throughout.

One at the nature center

traipsing through the forest

with a pack of kids following.

Like pieces in a jigsaw puzzle

making the picture of me.

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