Friday, July 12, 2024

vehicle Poetic Asides

 Karmen Ghia


My sis had her own little car

A Volkswagen Karmen Ghia.

A two-seater with shelf in back,

Having it was a great idea.


One dark night, we hopped in the car,

But both seats were left down.

We fell in back and laughed a lot

We each felt like a clown.


One icy night our six-foot neighbor

Scrunched on the back shelf.

Looking back, I’m not sure why

I didn’t sit there myself.


But while Sis drove, I scraped the ice

To guide her by the line.

The neighbor guy scrunched in back,

He began to whine.


“It doesn’t bother me that I can’t see,

but I know you can’t see either.”

We made it safely to the class in town

And so we had a breather.


Years later, one fateful day,

Sis was in an accident.

Too bad she couldn’t keep the car;

Today it’s worth a mint.

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