Sunday, October 17, 2021

Poetic Bloomings perspectives


Mr. Bear


When it sat on a shelf

in a department store,

it was a cute, fluffy

Teddy bear. I bought it.


I gave it to my great niece.

She gave it a hug

and called him Mr. Bear.

It was a friend.


She threw it up in the air.

Over and over.

High and low. Catch!

Mr. Bear was a ball.


She swung it back and forth,

hitting couches and chairs

and Dad and Mom.

Mr. Bear was a bat.


She whirled it around

by its fuzzy arms

until she was out of breath.

Mr. Bear was a dancing partner.


She raced back and forth

holding him high

through the air.

Mr. Bear was an airplane.


She grew tired

lay her head on its tummy

and fell asleep.

Mr. Bear was a pillow.


The cute fuzzy bear

had transformed

into many wonderful things

in the hands of a child.

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