Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Changes Poetic Bloomings

 Changes Under the Colorado Blue Sky


Beneath the Colorado blue sky,

a frozen world stretches out,

an icy lake, frosty pines, bare aspens,

a cabin tucked in at the mountain base.

The only life, a wisp of smoke

rising from the brick chimney.


The lake mirrors the Colorado blue sky,

snow-covered distant mountains,

aspens sporting their pale green leaves,

Pines, Columbine, Indian Paintbrush, Bluebells.

Cabin occupants peek out the windows,

watching bears, deer, elk congregate by the water.


The Colorado blue sky bursts forth in brilliance,

a stark backdrop to mountains clinging to their snowy dress.

The pines and aspens in vivid green drink from the deep lake.

The cabin doors and windows fling open

and barefoot children run out and play along the lake’s edge.

Butterflies, bees and dragonflies flit about their heads.


Aspens aflame in gold, against the Colorado blue sky,

shake their castanets in a gentle breeze.

The cabin’s family sets off for a hike to enjoy fall colors.

The elk and deer start their trek to lower elevations.

Town’s people set their camera’s up along the lake’s edge,

0ohing and aahing at the double dose of reds and oranges.


Colorado skies, clear and blue nearly every day,

show off the wonders of the changing seasons.

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