Monday, October 31, 2022





So glad you all are there

Ready to say a prayer

For anyone who is in need

Reaching Heaven with speed


I can count on you

To always see me through

In joy and in sorrows

In todays and tomorrows


We have seen God’s hand

Giving strength to stand

Giving help and healing

Receiving grace with feeling


Thank You for caring

And that burdens you’re sharing

In deep intercession

Your Heavenly mission

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Afternoon poem

 In Passing


I had never met her before.

The clerk at the auto repair.

Plain looking girl,

brown hair, glasses.

She could have been me.

She was so very nice.

She took me home

and promised to come get me

when my car was fixed.

We chatted the whole way to my house

and, after a few hours, back again.

She was Kelly, married fifteen years,

had two middle grade kids,

resided in Utah before moving to Colorado.

I knew about her mother-in-law’s strokes,

her new puppy, part retriever, part lab,

her wish to visit Australia.

I knew more about her

than some people I’ve known for years.

Kind of a remarkable thing

and I may never see her again.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Anticipation Poetic Bloomings


It’s Kenya


I got the Visa and the shots

Plane tickets at a lower rate

I bought the stuff to repel bugs

It’s Kenya I anticipate


My passport’s not expired yet

Have luggage scales to know the weight

Malaria pills guard my health

It’s Kenya I anticipate


I got my camera and a spare

Binoculars to see the great

Adaptors so I can plug in

It’s Kenya I anticipate


I got the Visa and the shots

It’s Kenya I anticipate

Friday, October 28, 2022

Pensee 3


Sun hat

Polka dot bow  

Enjoying a sunny walk

Ocean beach in St. Augustine

I wish I were there now

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Pensee 2


Pink socks

Fruit of the Loom

Cheering me up on gray days

Snuggled between my feet and shoes

Little things have impact

Wednesday, October 26, 2022




Thought conveyor

Words appear with a tap, tap

Here in my comfy recliner

Composing made easy

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Monday, October 24, 2022

Kenya poem



I finally got my Visa.

It wasn’t an easy thing to do.

Now, my sister’s having problems

getting her application through.


The time is ticking on the clock.

The calendar pages are flipping.

As plans are made, I fear

that my memory is slipping.


I have a lengthy to-do list

of those things I mustn’t forget.

Praying that all things are done

and the requirements are met.


Excited to get on a plane.

Nairobi, Kenya’s our goal.  

Asking the Lord that things go well

and we’ll be sound and whole.


But now it all seems like a dream.

And some doubts I feel.

When we see elephants and giraffes,

then I’ll know it’s real.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

shape Poetic Asides




I watched Dad leap across a ditch.

“You’re in good shape,

for the shape you’re in,” I said.


And then I watched him

try to start up the wheelbarrow

and rake with a mop.


His body was in good shape.

His brain,

not so much.

Saturday, October 22, 2022



A Tale of Three Dresses


When I was going into the seventh grade,

Sears had dresses on sale, 3 for $10.

I got a plain blue dress with buttons on the front,

purple plaid dress with a Peter Pan collar and

a knit suit—red, blue, gold, with a gold blouse.

I was acutely aware of their presence in my closet,

excited to start school wearing something new,

not hand-me-downs from my three sisters

or from second cousin so and so whom I never met.

I still avoid spending money on clothes.

But why? I think I’ll buy something new today,

maybe three somethings and hang them in my closet.

Friday, October 21, 2022

line from a poem Poetic Bloomings


My Spirit Rejoices


Mary’s Song, Luke 1:47-48: My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for has been mindful of the humble state of his servant.


From the baby in the womb

To the old man with his cane

God is able to love each one

And He knows them all by name


From microscopic elements

To the universe so grand

He’s able to fit each one of us

Into His wise and loving plan


From the plants and animals

To the stars up above

Our God is big enough

To extend to us His love


He’s mindful of our comings

And our goings and our trials

He is mindful of our quirks

Our sadness and our smiles


So my soul glorifies the Father

My spirit rejoices in my Lord

I delight in His holiness

He’s One to be adored

Thursday, October 20, 2022

A Dream

 A Bomb


Last night, I dreamed

I was in a big, old church.

Some of my friends were there

from different times,

my highschool friend,

my friend when the kids were little,

others I can’t remember now.


Then I overheard a woman

say she was going to blow up the place.

She was thin, had dark hair and brown complexion.

She wore a red shirt,

which looked like there could be a bomb there.

I told the pastor. I said there’s, “A woman…”

And he blurted, “Running around naked!”


He thought he was being funny.

I looked at him, disgusted.

“She has a bomb.”

“Are you sure?”

“No, but I overheard her.”

I described her,

including the red shirt.


He said, “I’ll check into it.”

I was walking around nervously scanning the crowd.

I saw the woman change into a green shirt.

I saw the bomb strapped to her

and the control switch in her hand.

I started running

and telling everyone to run.


I saw the pastor and told him that

I was sure that she had a bomb.

I forgot to tell him she now wore a green shirt.

I woke up.

My mind was still trying to sort it out.

Should I be relieved that the bomb didn’t go off?

But if it did go off, I would have been proved right.


It’s kind of a Jonah situation.

He told everyone there’d be destruction,

knowing that if they’d repent

and God would have mercy,

he would look like a fool.

Better to be a thought a fool

if it means lives saved.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Immediate poem

 A Poem Perhaps


At a friend’s house,

ready to spend the night,

staying with a young man with autism.


The house is quiet,

except the ringing in my ears

and the soft tap of my laptop keys.


They just moved in recently.

Everything is in order

or it’s not.


She didn’t leave a schedule.

I have to remember from last year

or wing it.


She didn’t leave the wifi password,

so I’ll type away and see

if anything comes of this poem.


Sometimes just messing around

with words like this

will surprise you.


He just went to the bathroom

and back to his room.

Mustn’t be too hungry yet.


I might get hungry before him

and I didn’t bring anything.

I usually don’t eat anything that's theirs.


But today I might make an exception.

My tossed salad supper may not carry me

through the evening.


I may watch some TV

if I can figure out how

to turn the thing on.


Or maybe the Lord says,

Now that I got your attention,

read My Word and hear!




Tuesday, October 18, 2022


 I’ll Travel Soon, Lord Willing

 I’ll travel soon and that will make me smile\

I’ll be out of the country for a while

But I’ll first make my stops within the states

I found plane ticket prices at low rates

I am attacking to-dos by the pile

A government form can be quite a trial

Can’t do computers with finesse or style

If things will happen by appointed dates

I’ll travel soon

My trip encompasses many a mile

The lion, elephant and crocodile

The antelope, giraffe, and all the greats

I’ll learn new phrases and befriend new mates

I’ll buy some souvenirs of bright textile.

I’ll travel soon

Monday, October 17, 2022

break Poetic Asides #2


Break Up

I knew it was coming, but it still hurt
The pain and turmoil I could not avert
To split apart was a good thing to do
I knew my future did not include you
I knew it was coming, but it still hurt

Sunday, October 16, 2022

break Poetic Asides



B rief relaxation and

R estoration of

E nergy, drive

A nd ambition to

K eep on keeping on

Saturday, October 15, 2022




Blue sky overlooking

Mount Kilimanjaro

Overlooking trees

Overlooking giraffes

Overlooking me

Friday, October 14, 2022

Drowsy Afternoon

 Drowsy Afternoon


Sleepy, sluggish

Stuck in my chair

Don’t feel like going anywhere

Set the timer

Try to get up

There’s no more tea in my cup


Count to three

Maybe ten

Then count to three again

Sit here a while

Just for a few

I think I’ll catch a wink or two

Thursday, October 13, 2022




Garden, growing, bringing peace

Aware of His presence and sweet release

Realizing God plants a garden in your soul

Discovering love that makes you whole

Entering in holy worship and praise

Never abandoning the gift of grace

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Ups and Downs Poetic Blooming


Ups and Downs


Yes, everyone has ups and downs

But that’s the amateur level

Bipolar’s pro in smiles and frowns

With moods from God or the devil


We question from one time to next

If he was contented or mad

When he returns, there’s no context

Will he be despairing or glad?


If he jumps from a place so high

All might think that he was depressed  

But he may have thought he could fly

And no one would have ever guessed


With him it is an ocean ride  

Take a breath and flow with the tide

Tuesday, October 11, 2022


 Travel Plans


The Visa app makes me feel like a fool

The vaccines I received—they made me sick

A puzzle: how to cover and stay cool

To get our schedule in sync is a trick

We make our plans and hope that they will stick

I think my travel partner’s ‘bout to flip

I’m shopping and I don’t know what to pick

We’re thinking the whole thing might be a gyp

We’re wondering what things we need to skip

We’re tired before we even take our trip

Monday, October 10, 2022

Byron's sonnet

 A Hike


Tall pine trees swayed as if they were to dance.

Gray clouds crept quietly upon the blue.

We felt some raindrops tap us, just a few.  

We’d hike upon the trails and take our chance.

The storm seemed localized at our first glance.

We headed up the trail to see the falls.

The peaceful doves seemed calm with their soft calls.

The rough terrain grew steep at our advance.


We trudged and talked and laughed along the way,

While breathing in the fresh and scented air.

We reached the falls and rested for our stay,

And nibbled on some GORP, we carried there.

It didn’t rain, but cooled off by falls’ spray,

We ambled back down home without a care.

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Avoidance Poetic Asides Divine Collins


Avoiding Overwhelm  


To-dos pile up like food on glutton's plate

I know that overwhelm is bad for fate

For it can stop me dead still in my tracks

So much to do that I become too lax

Like poets dare to come up with a rhyme

I’ll take each step of my to-do’s in time


And so my goal is to prioritize

All those great tasks that lie before my eyes

But it is easier to say than do

To keep what’s most important in plain view

From the mundane to the grand and sublime

I’ll take each step of my to-do’s in time


Some little things should not be overlooked

Take time for fun before you’re overbooked

Small kindnesses are icing on the cake

Great value for the little time they take

Yes, strengthening relationships is prime

So take each step of your to-do’s in time

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Avoidance Poetic Asides




Typhoid, Hep A, COVID, flu

There is nothing I won’t do

Poke me prod me all you want

I am not so nonchalant

When diseases are in view

Friday, October 7, 2022



Purple mountain ridges

Greet the morning sun

Aflame in yellows, oranges and reds

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Storm Poetic Bloomings


The Passing Storm


She was late again.

She rushed past me several times,

gathering her glasses, her purse,

her cell phone.


She stopped,

looked at me and glared.

“Why aren’t you getting Jacob up?”


“I’m waiting for the storm to pass.”


“I am the storm,” she said.


“You are the storm.”


She left and I got Jacob up.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Minute poem


Taco Dinner


It takes so long, but goes so fast

So soon in past

Sauce, onions, cheese

Black olives, please


I chop, and fry and stir and sweat

Meat not done yet

Look at the time

Will things be fine?


The guests are knocking on the door

Make room for more

It takes so long, but goes so fast

So soon in past

Tuesday, October 4, 2022



Kenya November

Hippos, lions, giraffes, me

Real-life fantasy

Monday, October 3, 2022

Reflection Poetic Asides

 An Abecedarian Reflection on God


A doring You my God, my friend

B elieving You’re with me to the end

C alling on You to hear my requests

D ear Lord, help me to pass the tests

E nveloped by Your love and grace

F aithful God, I seek Your face

G od, You are my all in all,

H elping me up each time I fall

I nspired by Your truth, Your Word

J esus, You’re clarity when lines are blurred

K ing of Kings, I yield to Your reign

L oving God, You help me stay sane

M ove on me now with Your Holy power

N eeding You, Lord, in every hour

O ne and only God, I worship You

P lease walk with me and see me through

Q uiet my heart in all of life’s noise

R eflect in me Your grace and Your joys

S avior, thank You for dying for me

T hank You for spiritually setting me free

U nderstanding and wise, on You I depend

V ictorious God, I look to You to defend

W hen I struggle, I reach for Your hand

eXpecting You to help me to stand

Y ou are my life, my joy and my love

Z ealously anticipating my home up above

Sunday, October 2, 2022



A song

Can’t go wrong

With some dear friends

A fun-filled sing along

The entire church group attends

How long and where and what—it all depends

In the mountains, around the campfire, is the thing

No one seems ready when the evening ends

Into the night our time extends

Midnight—still going strong

God’s dividends!

“Sacred throng”

Night’s long


Saturday, October 1, 2022

Time To Poetic Bloomings

 A Time to Wait


Tick tock

Waiting, waiting

For an expected call.

Waiting is throwing off my groove

Unexpected minutes

Writing some lines
