Friday, July 28, 2023

Trip 28

 May 28th


Got up at six, bathed.

Slept sitting up

on the couch

till time to go to church.


Old building

Box like-pews

Stern but well-balanced preaching.

Just what I needed,

about loving God and people and using money,

not loving money and using people.


Picnic at Lough Fea.

Judy and I sat in chairs.

Meg and Josh on a blanket.

Didn’t discover picnic tables

until after we ate.

Sandwiches, chips, carrots.

Meg even brought my squishy prunes.


Driving country road.

Lamb out.

Meg chased it to the horizon.

Herded it back. Caught it.

She and Josh plopped it over the fence.


I stood there cell phone in hand,

thinking I was recording the whole thing,

but neglected to push record.

Do it again guys. I don’t think so.


On to Beaghmore circle of stones

reminding us of past peoples

and shortness of our own lives


Rested at Meg and Josh’s

Supper of left overs

from restaurant

and pumpkin soup.


Church at Brigh

High singing

Song a bit harsh

Preaching balanced

Great overall

Tea and sweets afterward


Meg trapped poor Miller with me.

We talked about everything, especially,

he and his wife sponsoring

a young mom and her daughter from Ukraine

while her doctor husband remained,

bravely helping during the war against Russia.


I told Miller I wrote devotions.

He asked about the Daily Bread.

I couldn’t remember

if I had written for them or not.

I didn’t.


Ride to Megs

Endless rolling fields

Green and yellow with gorse

Sheep and cows

Fell asleep


Talk with Linda and Dave

Told them the lamb story

We laughed.


Talked to Jim

and cute Margot and Charlie.

Margot became a junior ranger.

Charlie opted out for snacks.



Saw Meg’s birthday come in.

Went to bed with thoughts

of the next day’s packing.

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