Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Poetic Bloomings Nature Haibun



When I feel the warmth of the powerful earth-sustaining sun, comfort of the moon’s nightlight, and wonder of the twinkling stars on an indigo night, I know I’m part of a grand design. When I see clouds, from the common cumulus to the rippling waves of asperitas and hear rumbling, crashing thunder and rain dance on rooftops, I know I can depend on Someone beyond myself. When I look out on rugged mountains, ridge after ridge, deserts with a wide variety of cactus, glistening seas filled with mystery and rolling green forests and fields with rushing rivers, silvery streams and waterfalls, I know simple me can trust a complicated Someone. When I think of earth’s details: vibrant oranges, yellows, reds of autumn, lace-like snow dressing up bare branches, and a multitude of worlds of seashells, trees, rocks, pebbles, sand, and creatures, I know I worship a majestic God. When I think of the intricacies of the microscopic world, including how human cells function, I know He is big enough to care for small. When I think of the earth’s vast bouquet of flowers in all colors, patterns, and fragrances, I know He is One of beauty, creativity, and love.


A billion artists

Couldn’t do to what God did when

He spoke, “Let there be…”

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