Monday, June 9, 2014

From April PAD Challenge

 ABC’s of Writing

A void passive verbs.
B e succinct.
C liche’s are old hat.
D on’t use two spaces between sentences.
E xamples should be specific.
F ind the funny.
G et a second pair of eyes to critique your work.
H ang out with other writers.
I nterview people in the know.
J ust keep writing, writing, writing.
K eep your project to yourself until the rough draft is complete.
L iteral is the strict definition of a word or phrase, not figurative. Don’t take “G” literally.
M isspelled words speak of your incompetence.
N ever say never or always, or at least, almost never say never or always.
O bserve the world using all of your senses.
P lease, respect your readers’ time.
Q uerying editors can prevent unpublished manuscripts.
R esearch, using primary resources when possible.
S how don’t tell.
T oo many adjectives is like a cake that’s too rich.
U se adverbs sparingly.
V ery, so, really, just, interesting, got (among others) should seldom be used.
W rite what you know.
X ylophone starts with a Z sound. Writers have been confusing early readers for years.
Y ou are a writer if you write. Improve your skills by studying and practicing the craft.
Z ero in on your project: complete rough draft, revise and submit.


Sandi said...

"K eep your project to yourself until the rough draft is complete."

This sounds like a good idea!!

Sandi said...

"Z ero in on your project: complete rough draft, revise and submit."

OK! :-)

This inspired me today! Thanks.