Friday, May 31, 2019

PAD 14-3 state


I grew up in Pennsylvania,
then lived in Nebraska,
Wyoming and Colorado
where I live now.

I miss the hills and trees of PA,
autumn colors, curvy roads,
creeks, rivers and lakes,
fruit trees everywhere.

When we moved back
for three years to help
take care of my parents,
I remembered why I had left.

Spring’s too rainy and foggy.
Summer’s too hot and humid or rainy.
Autumn’s too rainy and short.
Winter’s too cold and snowy.

And the sky’s usually gray.
And though I really get tired
of piles of snow in spring,
I’ll stick with Colorado.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

PAD 14-2 state


Driving through miles of nothing
I get the feeling
God hasn’t finished with Wyoming.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

PAD 14-1 state


Blue skies, rivers
Hiking trails, lots of rocks
Quaking golden autumn aspens
Elk, snow

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

PAD 13-3 view

View from the Invisible

I know what it likes to feel invisible,
but I wonder what it feels like to be God,
invisible, holy and loving a people
who tend to believe only what they see.

Monday, May 27, 2019

PAD 13-2 view

View from My Living Room Window

The neighbor’s back yard
where they grow marijuana
in a makeshift greenhouse
made of plastic and boards
which didn’t survive the winter
and looks like a disaster area.
I don’t like to look out that window.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

PAD 13-1 View

View from My Recliner

Lots of clutter in my living room:
two wheel chairs, couch, end tables,
exercise equipment, entertainment center
book shelves crowded with books,
pictures and knick-knacks.

On a little chair that was my daughter’s
a doll named Gooney Bird (my dad named)
sitting by a dummy named Jimmy Rabbit
I named after my dad,
though Dad was no dummy.

His name was James Richard Shannon.
When he was a kid in school
people would ask him what the R. stood for
and he, an avid hunter, would say, “Rabbit.”
Each item of clutter could all tell such stories.  

Saturday, May 25, 2019

PAD 12-3 the art of...

The Art of Begging

My friend on a limited income
has begging down to an art.
One time, we went salmon fishing.
People were catching them all around,
but neither of us were doing very well.

In her loud voice, she told me how
her fridge was getting empty
and she had hoped she could
stock it with salmon. She went
home with a nice catch of fish.

(Caught from donors’ coolers.)

Friday, May 24, 2019

PAD 12-1 the art of...

The Art of Writing

Not when the mood hits
Not out of compulsion
Not at an opportune time
But you simply write whenever,
because that’s what you do.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

PAD 12-1 The Art of...

The Art of Procrastination

The art of procrastination
happens when you allow
just enough pressure
by worthwhile distractions
to motivate you
to get that necessary thing
done before deadline.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

PAD 11-3 Dedication

To Dad
Hunting, fishing
Working, boating, teasing
Reading books in a monotone
Thank you

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

PAD 11-2 Dedication

To Hubby

If we graphed our relationship over the years,
it would look like the temperatures
of a Colorado spring.
But like it’s worth enduring erratic weather
for the beauty of the mountains, lakes and sky,
the substance and depth of our oneness
is worth the ups and downs.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Sunday, May 19, 2019

PAD 10-3 lone


The hope he held out
in the tragic situation
was like a lone, bright star
in the night sky.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

PAD 10-2 lone

Someone with Skin

I’m never alone since God is near
But it’s nice to have someone with skin
I depend on Him year after year
I’m never alone since God is near
But His presence is not always clear
I need someone with whom I can grin
I’m never alone since God is near
But it’s nice to have someone with skin

Friday, May 17, 2019

PAD 10-1 lone

I’d feel like a lone poet
If it weren’t for poeming pals
Thank God for the internet

Thursday, May 16, 2019

PAD 9-3 love

Easter Love



I don’t know what the former
has to do with the latter, except
it’s a celebration of love and delight,
a time we know we can enjoy life,
and look forward to a new one.
because of the resurrection.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

PAD 9-2 love

Birthday Visit

On his birthday,
he came to visit
and sat down by me
and held my hand
like he used to.

Now, that he’s with another caregiver,
I’m always relieved and grateful
when he remembers me.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

PAD 9-1 love

You’ve Got People

“You’ve got people,”
my daughter told her dad
when he worried about
money, health and home
after two strokes.

For Christmas,
she bought him
a warm blanket
complete with pictures
of our family reunion,
with “You’ve got people”
in bold letters.

A blanket of warm fuzzies.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Poetic Blooming endurance

To the Extreme

I have stick-to-it-ness
until I find myself beating
the proverbial dead horse.
Perhaps I have endurance
to a fault.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

PAD 8-3 Lucky Number

Lucky Day

I don’t really have a lucky number,
but I have a  lucky day, May 17th.
It seems like every year, something good
happens on that particular day.

It’s the day I flew to Cheyenne, Wyoming,
the summer I met my husband.
It’s the day I found out
I was expecting my daughter.

Visited a PA friend I hadn’t seen since I was a teen.
Watched a sheep herding demonstration and
enjoyed an evening of entertainment in Scotland.
Had a fun day in Mesa, AZ with my kids.

Taught at a local writers conference.
Won a poetry contest at a national writers conference.
Traveled to Greeley in miraculous weather.
Got devotions published in Quiet Hour.

I can’t remember every May 17th
but I know I haven’t been disappointed.
I look forward to May 17th
hoping for something delightful.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

PAD 8-2 Lucky Number


Four’s a lucky number for me,
because I’m lucky enough
to have four sisters, though
I always felt a little unlucky
not having any brothers.

Like most sisters
we had fun together,
fought with, relied on,
helped and treasured
each other and still do.

 Now scattered across the country,
we have reunions every other year.
And when one’s in need,
we’re all on the ready
to catch the next flight.

My best friend has four sisters, too.
We call each other our fifth sister.
So, I guess five’s also a lucky number.

Friday, May 10, 2019

PAD 8-1 lucky number


Two eyes
Two ears
Two nostrils
Two cheeks
Two lips
Two shoulders
Two elbows
Two hands
Two hips
Two knees
Two feet
Two people in love
There’s something special
about the number two.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

PAD 7-3 Jealousy


J esus, you ran the money changers out of the temple,
E ven though You were a man of peace and love.
A ngry at sin and injustice against the Father.
L ove is always Your motive, even though Your words and actions may have seemed
O mionous. Calling the scribes and Pharisees white-washed tombs.
U sually we think of You as a nice guy, but You weren’t always.
S ometimes love can have a sharp edge to cut away infections in order to heal.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

PAD 7-1 jealousy


Jealousy is wishing
you were in a place
where someone else is.
Perhaps their talent,
riches or even relationships.
Jealousy leads you
down a road of discontent
and prevents discovery
of who you really are.

Monday, May 6, 2019

PAD 6-3 after...

After Vacation

After vacation,
I need a vacation.
Vacation and rest:
There is no relation.

So after vacation
I need to rest.
A blank to-do list
is the best.

But that only lasts
a minute or so.
Destined to be
on the go.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

PAD 6-2 After...

After the Dust Settles

After the dust settles
We'll start with what is left
And we'll build again
Slowly, step by step

Like pieces in a puzzle
One bit at a time
Until the picture forms
Of painterly design

Or like writing a poem
Searching for the rhyme
Then the thoughts come
At last, line by line

After the dust settles
We'll start with what is left
And we'll build again
Slowly, step by step

Saturday, May 4, 2019

PAD 6-1 after...

After Finishing the Big Project

After finishing the big project
Walking against the wind, and the wind stops
Feeling disoriented and wrecked
After finishing the big project
It’s time to disconnect
Take a breather, stroll the shops
After finishing the big project
Walking against the wind, and the wind stops

Friday, May 3, 2019

PAD 5-3 stolen

Sentimental Value

I crocheted an afghan
for my hubby,
brick red, aqua and white.

I crocheted an afghan
for my daughter
pink, pale blue, and white.

My kids put them in a tent
to sleep out in the night.

Someone stole them from our yard.
It surely isn’t right.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

PAD 5-2 stolen

Stolen Heart

He stole my heart and then he left.
It was his time to go.
We couldn’t keep him anymore.
It’s good for all, I know.

I miss his smiles and his sweet hugs,
the sounds he make each day.
The house is very quiet now,
since he has gone away.

I try to visit every month,
come rain or shine, it’s true.
Although he does not verbalize,
I know he misses me, too.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

PAD 5-1 stolen


S omeone stole my muse, I’m sure
T aken from me in plain sight
O ddly enough it’s disappeared
L ost and alone in the night.
E vaporated. Poof it’s gone.
N ow, no inspiration to write.